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Everything posted by tanukichu

  1. I really don't eat a lot of candy anymore. Having cavities and having your mouth hurt like a mofo when you eat sweets (and not able to afford a dentist) does that. But generally I still eat chocolate. My favorites.
  2. Yeah, I'm not too into it. Sorry. I'm not really one for scripty fonts to begin with. And the heart floating above seems awkward and makes it too busy. And not feeling the pink either. I think having an actual heart floating about is WAY too literal. The designer could play with the type to create the illusion of a heart (I'm really into playing with type....heh). If you really want to use a script font, I'd stay away from pinks. I'd say a red or deep magenta would be more visually interesting. I think a really nice serif typeface would be more interesting. It would make it look less like you're going after a young female demographic.
  3. Haha yeah. The more I see it the more I like it. Doneso!
  4. haha that's good. i think the rest of february should be "wordplay your favorite band into your username month." I'm having trouble finding one of my favorite bnads that fits with either "tanukichu" or Nicole. Hrm... Nothing really works with Jawbreaker, At the Drive-In or Paint It Black. Bouncing Nicoles? Hot Water Tanukichusic? Tanüsker chu? Nick and Dagger (my fave supervisor likes to call me Nick)? I'm not very witty tonight.
  5. ^Yes. I think Captain Awesome is getting increasingly more awesome as this season progresses. I really like that they're fleshing out his character a bit more. Also, one of my favorite things about the show is that the tranquilizer gun is a recurring theme/joke.
  6. ^Oh my God yes. I LOVE Veronica Mars. I'm just sad the network fucked them up in the third season. The ending made me angry. I'm hoping they're still doing the movie and a lot of loose ends get tied up.
  7. OH MY GOD I WANT THAT PRINT SO FUCKING MUCH. Chuck's one of my favorite shows these days. I back 30 Rock and How I Met Your Mother as well. Modern Family's pretty good, at least the few episodes I've watched.
  8. The more I listen to it, the more I love it. And casey, you and I have the same favorite songs.
  9. The average size range for a woman in the US is 8-14. Female models and celebrities sure as hell aren't that in that size range AT ALL. To put it all in perspective. And I think the high fashion magazine that featured plus sized models a month or so ago making it a "feature" and not a norm really isn't doing too much. The next month they go back to the same size 00 waifs they always use. If they really wanted a change or to embrace the "real" woman they'd feature plus size models every month. Y'think?
  10. I laughed so hard at this that I got snot all over the computer. (I'm sick and full of mucus) Yeah, I do think there does need to be a better way to handle larger passengers on air planes. I mean they already make a sets of larger seats on roller coasters, why haven't they done it on something like an airplane yet. It really can't be that hard. I do think K-Smith's going a touch overboard. But who knows? Maybe him doing so will result in airlines' reevaluating policies and such. And if that's the case that's a really good thing.
  11. It's a'ight. I like it better than the last album. I have a feeling this will be a grower for me. I already liked what I heard live when I saw him back in December.
  12. Sometimes I wonder if making my shitty wages at Starbucks and all the stress that goes along with it is worth making only a little more than I would have been making from unemployment from my last job. Ugh. I need a new job so bad. I'm hardly getting the hours I need because of school and my internship. I'm so exhausted by the end of the day doing what needs to get done that I come home fiddle on the internet for a bit and pass out. Once in a while i get to drink a shit ton. And I kind of like spending most of my free time with my new boy (whatever the grey area is between friend and boyfriend when you're dating. I don't know what to call it). He pretty much has been the only thing keeping me sane as of late.
  13. So no one is going to mention that he's making a stink about this because overall he's kind of right? He fit in the seat comfortably with the arm rests down and didn't even need a seatbelt extender. I've been reading his tweets and he also mentions on either his return flight or the other one they put him on that they did the same thing to some poor girl and humiliated her. I can totally understand if you take up the space of two seats on a plane, yes, you should have to pay for two seats. But Smith and that girl did not and it was apparently an abuse of their policy. It's not being enforced properly and that's what he's trying to call them out on. He's not suing them. Only demanding that they admit they were wrong and reconsidering their policies. And people with large amounts of weight can't magically solve the problem overnight. Who's to say the large man or woman sitting next to you isn't taking the steps to lose weight? I also know people who have health conditions or take medicines (that they need to keep them alive) who experience increased weight gain. It sucks and it's sad that people assume they gorge themselves on McDonalds and sit on their asses all day. I'm not saying this applies to Kevin Smith or the girl, but just peoples' attitudes towards people they don't know in general. It's also ridiculous of people to bitch about it too because despite their size, they paid for their ticket and have every right to be on that plane if they fit in the seat. I was never obese but as a kid I was made fun of for my weight and while I'm only slightly overweight now and have lost a ton of weight since I was a kid, I'm still sensitive about it. Kids are fucking cruel as shit and sometimes it sticks with you. Also seeing someone you care about nearly kill themslelf with an eating disorder (and almost developing one yourself)also makes you quite sensitive and thoughtful and considerate when commenting on someone's physique or appearance.
  14. cinnamon life with vanilla soy milk. OMG. Honorable Mentions: Rice chex with a tiny bit of brown sugar and vanilla soy milk. Peanut Butter Panda Puffs: and yes, I put vanilla soy milk on it. Vanilla soy makes all cereals taste infinitely better. Milk makes me sick anyways.
  15. Lame day. Three years ago a good friend of mine from high school died. Fuck that shit. I had to work. I'm sleeping. And then doing homework. The guy I'm seeing has to work today. I'm glad it hasn't crossed his mind to do anything. We've only been dating for like two weeks and I'd think it'd be kind of weird if he did have some grand romantic gesture planned. Even if we were together for much longer and officially a couple I still wouldn't care. I'm more about spontaneous acts of love/romance/what have you. Seems less forced. Though I won't lie and say it wouldn't be nice to see him today. We've both been busy the past few days and I kind of miss his face. And getting some would be nice.
  16. http://vinylcollective.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42412&start=0 Posted this a while back homeslice. Still pretty ridiculous though. Heh.
  17. Ha! You know me well Nicole - and I just picked my nose! However, I really hate cologne & perfume - funny enough, I generally dislike the men and women that wear it. Much prefer the natural scent of humans… Oh well, I guess Drabs and I will never be lovers. You and I can be anti-cologne/perfume crumudgeons together. Like I said before, most of them give me massive headaches. I also picked my nose just now too. Boogies like to build up in my nose ring sometimes. And I got a lot of them now cause I'm sick.
  18. I nominate this hobo that was riding the green line with us this weekend in Boston. He was chugging Listerine. When my one friend went home he texted me to say this guy was still on the train and drinking a different bottle of mouthwash. He was also wearing this awesome bear hat. Then the next day we were riding the redline and the same hobo gets on. Mouthwash in tow.
  19. ^Matt's just weirded out because he smells like stinky poo.
  20. I would die without beer. It is my lifeblood. Most whiskey I drink is the cheapest shit. The ginger ale makes it amazing. I don't drink much liquor aside from the whiskey/gingerale combo.
  21. Recent-ish. There may or may not have been whiskey in that glass.
  22. Blerg. I mean, I don't mind class being canceled as I had no work done for today's class. And not having to go to work is kind of nice even though I need the hours and missed a ton from taking a trip this weekend. But I'm kind of bummed because I had plans tonight. The guy I'm seeing lives in the burbs and there's no way he's driving tonight. Being snowed in is ultimately better when you have an adorable malefolk in your bed. My roommate's cool, but there's just some things she can't really do for me.
  23. I HATE perfumes. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to most of them. Strong colognes and perfumes will give me horrible headaches. Walking past Sephora is very hard. Though natural, chemical free fragrances don't seem to bother me. I shop at Lush for cosmetic stuff like that. It's all natural stuff and ethical (i.e. no animal testing, and almost everything is vegan). Generally, my hair will smell like this: It makes my hair nice and soft and it smells lemony and wonderful. My favorite soap there got discontinued and I'm on my last bar. It smells like cinnamon and awesome. But generally I smell like coffee as I work at Starbucks.

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