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Being sick sucks.


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For the last couple of months I have had really intense stomach pains that would come and go. At the time I had no primary doctor, so I tried to look around and it always seemed like it'd be months before I could get a visit. So about a month and a half ago I get a call from my dad's doctor saying he can see me in a few weeks, so I make an appointment and all is good. About a week before my appointment I am out with my friends at the bars, just showed up and had not even started to drink when I suddenly felt really hot, nauseated and dizzy. I grab my friends keys to go sit in his car make it about 10 feet blackout, fall over and lay on the ground out for about a minute. I come to and my friend who is a nursing student is standing over me, along with tons of people and a few cops who assume I am drunk. I try to stand out, black out again and fall again. At this point the cops sit me up and make sure I am not drunk, I tell them I have not had anything to drink at all they give me a weird look say ok and just leave. After a few minutes they come back, ask if I want the EMTs to look at me, I decline and they tell me to leave as soon as I can walk which I do.

A few days later I go to my doctor's appointment and tell him about all that is going on with me, he assumes my stomach pain is an ulcer but has explanation for my passing out. He orders me to have a CT scans, wear a holter heart monitor for 24-hours, have my neck looked at to make sure no blockage in the veins and arteries, and an upper gi for my stomach. I get all the tests done, and everything comes back normal, so he sends me on my way.

About a week later the first day of classes start, I get to my first class sit there for around an hour when I suddenly get the feeling like I am going to pass out again. I manage to fight it off, walk to my car and call my dad to pick me up. So I call a new doctor, go see him and he schedules me for more tests. A day or so after I see that doctor my stomach pain intensifies and I go to the ER, but still nothing. I see the doctor again last Tuesday and he suspects my stomach pain might be my gallbladder, but still has no clues on my passing out. So yesterday I had an ultrasound of my gallbladder and my entire stomach region and Friday I have an echo of the heart and have to wear another heart monitor for 30 days.

Since the first day of classes I have not returned to school due to the pain in my stomach, and I have also felt constantly out of it since my first pass out episode. So now I have to drop out for the semester, hope they accept my fee appeal so I can get all my money back, and also since my insurance company sucks I have to pay non-student price for my insurance since they don't care the doctor said I should not be in school.

I have been told that this could all be in my head from stress or anxiety, but I never felt like either was happening to me. This is my last year of school, so why would school suddenly cause me stress? I just hope these doctors can figure something out so I can return in the spring. Also sorry for the long rant, I'm just really frustrated with how my insurance is handling this, the school, my parents, and how I feel. It also goes to show that America does need an improved health care system, because what if I had my insurance and say had cancer and need chemo? They still want me to be a full-time student to be covered under student insurance?

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Wow man I can relate to this so much. I have pretty insane stomach problems as well and its been going on for over a year and they still don't know anything. I was passed from doctor to doctor all the time and put on all sorts of drugs. To this day they still haven't found much and simply diagnose me with constant heartburn which is bullshit. A 21 year old should not be having the stomach problems of a fat 50 year old (1 doctor even said that too me.) All I'm taking as of right now is nexium which is technically for acid reflux. It works ok I guess but I still have stomach pains and throw up A LOT and thats when I do take it. When I don't its just hell and I can hardly get through the day. Recently it's gotten worse and the pills have been helping less and less. Is it worth paying 150 bucks a month for pills that hardly work? I've considered trying to get something else but when I was diagnosed I was living in a busy city in Connecticut with lots of doctors to choose from and get opinions from. Now I'm in a town of 3000 people in Nebraska with terrible doctors and health professionals according to the towns residents. I don't know what I'm gunna do but hopefully I'll get something figured out soon. Good luck dude I hope you turn out ok.

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They have actually said the same things to me too, since I am also 21. On Tuesday the doctor gave me a 30 day trial of Nexium to try out, so hopefully that does something as it builds up more in my system. Right now the stomach pain is too unbearable to do anything but lay or sit around, that is why I missed school so much. I hope they can at least figure out how to dull the pain enough so I can function enough to go back to school and work.

It is really weird we have been told the same thing, they ever suggest IBS or Crohn's for you? I hope everything works out for you too, as thus us horrible and I can't imagine having it for over a year straight (though I have had stomach problems all my life, just never lasting more then a week or so at once).

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Insurance in this country is fucked! I am diabetic and have been for the last 13 years. When i got a new job last year i didnt have insurance coverage for about 60 days in between leaving my old job and starting my new one. So when my new insurance kicked in they called my diabetes a pre exisiting condition even though i have had it for 13 years and did not develope this problem in the 60 days that i didnt have insurance. So for the last 6-8 months i have been going back and forth with the insurance company trying to get them to pay for some of my some odd $2500.00 worth of medical bills i have received in the last 8 months.

Its fucking bogus, all insurance companies have little loop holes that leaves them free and clear to drop or make the insured person pay out of pocket to save them money.

My girlfriend has been having problems because her stomach/side area would hurt so bad she couldnt take it, i had to take her to the ER in the middle of the night on mulitple occasions and after seeing about 4 or 5 different doctors they discovered she had kidney stones. Come on arent kidney stones some what common and with all this medical equipment and all these smart doctors they cant diagnose a simple case of kidney stones.

Healthcare and insurance are touchy subjects with me especially as of late.

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holy shit, you poor bastards. i hope you all get your insurance people straightened out. michael moore was right and i'm more terrified of america than ever now!

seriously though, canada isn't perfect too. my mom is unable to lift her right arm every couple of weeks for unexplainable reasons and no doc can figure out why. our physiology is a mystery!

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holy shit, you poor bastards. i hope you all get your insurance people straightened out. michael moore was right and i'm more terrified of america than ever now!

seriously though, canada isn't perfect too. my mom is unable to lift her right arm every couple of weeks for unexplainable reasons and no doc can figure out why. our physiology is a mystery!

At least you get no answers for free.

A while ago my knee was killing me and I finaly went to the doctor and he says it's just growing pains. A few more months go buy and it gets to the point where I can barely walk or stand for long periods of time. I went to a different doctor and turns out the tendon in my knee was torn about half way and it was slowly coming apart.

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ive had so many issues with shitty insurance and such..most recently dental ugghhh i went to the dentist for the first time in awhile (i know im bad probably over 5 years) i never had a cavity and had to get a mouth full of fillings...the bill for that was over 2k and i guess my insurance limit is 1800. then i had to get a root canal for 1k and i still only have a temporary filling in that and have to eventually get my wisdom teeth out too im trying to wait till january though so then i wont have to pay out of my pocket. oh and i need another root canal when my teeth get pulled cause my wisdom teeth are pushing into other teeth and cracked it but they cant get to it orsomething uggg.

but yeah most recently since i started school the back of my throat has been killing me like no other i really hope i dont need my tonsils out...whenevr i go to the dentist they comment on how big my tonsils are. i usually dont know how to respond to that so i just simply say thankyou.

BEING SICK SUCKSSSS especially when they stop giving out lollipops

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oh that's awful.

it's not exactly the same thing, but i tore my acl back in high school and it was the worst experience of my life. i had to wait two years before they would operate on it. i had to wear a huge athletic brace every time i wanted to do anything more than a casual walking gait and it still twisted and shit.

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but yeah most recently since i started school the back of my throat has been killing me like no other i really hope i dont need my tonsils out...whenevr i go to the dentist they comment on how big my tonsils are. i usually dont know how to respond to that so i just simply say thankyou.

That brought on the LOLs.

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haha its so funny though...whenever id go to the orthodontist or dentist theyd be like "wow your tonsils are huge"

lol what does one say to that...yet every time id go to the doctor and my throat would be bothering me theyd say my tonsils arent a problem...which doesnt make any sense to me i hate doctors so much they dont know what theyre talking about half the time

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So right now I am wearing this weird heart monitor, which I will have to wear for 30-days. It is weird, if I have any "episodes" I push a button, it records for 45 seconds before I pressed it and 15 after and I can do this 4 times. After 4 times, or just after one time I call this number and put the thing up to the phone and it beeps for a minute and the person on the other end tells me me heart is ok, something is wrong, go to er now, etc. It is a cool little invention, but will be annoying.

And as a side note, the girl who did my heart echo was really cute and nice. All the other tests the people have been cold and made me sit in silence for the whole thing, she talked and stuff with me so it was cool.

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i just got pink eye ughhhhhhhh i feel like im 6 years old

does anyone know if going to the doctor for this is a must?...i really dont feel like paying to go to urgicare if its gonna clear up on its own

No, that is only needed for kids since they usually can't resist itching it and such. I am pretty sure it is only contagious for a few days.

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i just got pink eye ughhhhhhhh i feel like im 6 years old

does anyone know if going to the doctor for this is a must?...i really dont feel like paying to go to urgicare if its gonna clear up on its own

No, that is only needed for kids since they usually can't resist itching it and such. I am pretty sure it is only contagious for a few days.

you're only contagious for a few days after starting antibiotics. It just getts worse if you don't do anything about it. Pink eye sucks, I've had it a few times.

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the night before graduation (senior prom or whatever americans call it) a lot of the dudes and ladies in my class got hammered and i was designated driver. my brother was so out of it he was convinced he had pink eye and made me drive around to all-night pharmacies looking for something to fix it. we got some drops that cost like $30 (which i had to pay for because he didn't have cash) and after putting two drops in the supposedly affected eye he decided it wasn't working and threw the bottle out the window.

needless to say he didn't have pink eye.

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pneumonia sucks, found out yesterday I have it. I should have been able to get some antibiotics no prob, but once the doctor found out I had my spline removed in 2001. I was hooked up to 2 IVs administering 4 different medications. I was seconds from having to spend 3-4 days in the hospital, then my chest xrays came back a definite case of pneumonia. I was shitting bricks for a few hours yesterday.

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pneumonia sucks, found out yesterday I have it. I should have been able to get some antibiotics no prob, but once the doctor found out I had my spline removed in 2001. I was hooked up to 2 IVs administering 4 different medications. I was seconds from having to spend 3-4 days in the hospital, then my chest xrays came back a definite case of pneumonia. I was shitting bricks for a few hours yesterday.

Shitty. I had pneumonia when i was in the third grade over christmas break.

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pneumonia sucks, found out yesterday I have it. I should have been able to get some antibiotics no prob, but once the doctor found out I had my spline removed in 2001. I was hooked up to 2 IVs administering 4 different medications. I was seconds from having to spend 3-4 days in the hospital, then my chest xrays came back a definite case of pneumonia. I was shitting bricks for a few hours yesterday.

ouch that sucks. hope you feel better.

for that matter, hope everyone that's dealing with something feels better!

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i just went to the doctor today for my pink eye...they said it was bacterial pink eye (the kind that wouldnt just go away on its own. i guess if its caused by a virus it eventually goes away) oh and i found out i had strep throat after all what a fun visit. funny how this all happened right when i started living at some craphole dorm at kent state that i already didnt like being at in the first place

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i just went to the doctor today for my pink eye...they said it was bacterial pink eye (the kind that wouldnt just go away on its own. i guess if its caused by a virus it eventually goes away) oh and i found out i had strep throat after all what a fun visit. funny how this all happened right when i started living at some craphole dorm at kent state that i already didnt like being at in the first place

A lot of people seem to get sick when they go off and live in dorms it seems. You check out the two records stores by campus? I've been meaning to drive out there to take a look, but don't want to waste a 20 mins drive for nothing.

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