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Everything posted by Parker

  1. Missed it, but congrats to the people who were lucky enough to pick it up. Incredibly beautiful soundtrack.
  2. Speaking of the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame (and to take the conversation in a slightly new direction, since I think we've exhausted the current conversation) --- does anyone else think that it's pretty bullshit about Chad Channing not getting inducted? I mean, I agree,the Hall of Fame is stupid, but stupid as it is, the decision to exclude him seems particularly cruel and disrespectful.
  3. Absolutely. But I'd rather have them around then not, mostly because they get a large selection of records, more than the local mom and pop store. And yeah, the mall like atmosphere at the stores (clothing, toys, etc) is super annoying, but again --- selling junk like that helps keep them in business. So ultimately, I'm for it.
  4. I don't think there has been any debate about this being a ripoff. It is. It emphatically is. My whole point is that, ripoff or not, I'd much rather more money going to independent record stores and labels like NC and Sub Pop than something like Amazon.
  5. I like my records affordable too, but as several have pointed out, you can BUY all these records at affordable prices. Every album Newbury Comics is releasing already exists, just not in a colored/limited variant. So really what this sounds like is people are pissed they can't buy the colored/limited variant at price they prefer. This is hardly "the death of reasonably priced vinyl."
  6. This is such nonsense. A relative recently gave me a whole stack of Elvis Costello records. He was a huge Elvis fan and he had tons of different reissues of different albums in different colors and variants. When I asked how much he paid for them at the time he said "way more than I should have, way more than they were worth." We might not like it, but this is nothing new.
  7. Some don't even share any! Whatever. If you all type a little harder, maybe Newbury Comics will make all their limited records that are going to sell out cheaper for everyone for some stupid reason.
  8. Someone is winning. Newbury Comics and Sub Pop are winning because they're charing a price for an album that people are going to pay. No, I don't think it's a reasonable price. I just don't understand the point about complaining about it on the internet ad-nauseam. Newbury Comics and Sup-Pop have been around for a while, but that doesn't mean they're rolling in millions. Newbury sold CD's for years and nearly closed several stores when people simply downloaded music rather than purchase it. Vinyl has given them a shot in the arm. For that, I'm happy, and if stupid people pay for this record and it helps keep them in business? I'm happy about that and I do benefit from that. I do not get why this is so difficult for anyone to understand.
  9. The funniest thing to me is that I guarantee half the people complaining in this thread will turn around and justify paying way too much money in another thread because it's a new and/or more limited release.
  10. Stupid kids! Get off my lawn! Maybe posting a little harder on the internet will help those poor, naive kids and they're poor, naive, rich parents from helping keep independent record stores and labels in business by paying for overpriced vinyl that you'd buy in a heartbeat if it were fifteen bucks cheaper.
  11. So, you really think record prices are skyrocketing because Tiger Beat wrote an article? Here's the reason things get more expensive: people pay for it. Supply and demand. A lot of this just seems like petty whining. I don't plan on buying this and I agree that it's too expensive. But I want Newbury Comics around. I want Sub Pop around. I want records around. So who cares?
  12. Complain all you want. As long as stuff like this keeps my local independent record store and Sub Pop in business, I'll be happy. Nobody is forcing you to buy these. I mean, maybe some of you should be happy it's expensive. It's another record you don't need to spend money on.
  13. Part of me wants to buy this because I like a few of their songs and they're from my hometown. The other part of me feels like the hype around them is a bit too prepackaged and built up for my taste.
  14. She's so good, annoying toggle case typing or not. Is there any preorder for this yet? It doesn't look like it. Will there be?
  15. It's certainly an "in the mood" record, but when you're in that mood, it hits hard. The production is also incredibly (sometimes deceptively) lush, even more so than on Sea Change.
  16. I love this album and I think it's going to sound amazing.
  17. My apologies for getting some of your hopes up, then. I just googled for a code, found ShakyDream, used it and saved a few bucks.
  18. Bought this on RSD in 2010. I love the Hold Stead but I wish I liked this album more.
  19. This is such a condescending statement. Who sounds like the 13 year old? "Derr the only serious music has guitarz." I mean, I'm not this raging Beyonce fan, but the attitude some of you guys have about her is weird. Like...hinging on the misogynistic weird. Did anyone go into the Magna Carta thread and talk shit about Jay-Z this much? And that album is a piece of shit compared to this.

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