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Everything posted by GreatGreenOne77

  1. Pizza Hut is greasy no matter the avenue you take. I remember my apartment smelling like cooking oil from it being on my uniform shirts when I worked there in my 20s lol
  2. I'm an everyday smoker, not going through much mind you, but times when I have taken a break for months at a time my wife says I always seem to have more grand mal seizures. I always assumed it's because a pill has to dissolve and travel to your heart or brain as where smoking piped it straight in to your circulatory system causing the effects to set in faster and that's where maybe it slows down mis-firing synapses in my brain that are the cause of the activity. Maybe to a degree the pills aren't or where they don't cover them.
  3. Agreed. I'd love to be able to smoke instead of taking pills so I feel better. I'd also prefer trying CBD oil instead of taking anticonvulsants that give me dry mouth, swollen gums, and still don't control my seizures well
  4. I took zoloft once and it did make me feel high spirited when I first took it but then kept giving me repetitive nightmares so I stopped with it. Xanax is what I take now to control mine. It's not the best by far, but it helps quickly which is always great. I hope things get better soon
  5. What do they have you on for it now that's taking so long to be effective?
  6. It's hard enough for me to eat pizza most times having spent so much time working in those places when I was younger, but that bacon one from Little Caesars isn't bad really. I watched the AV Club's video of them eating it and they said it pretty much just taste like salt so that's enough for me..Plus mustard near pizza sauce just doesn't make a happy sunset in my mind
  7. Anyone brave enough to try that new monstrosity of a "food item" Pizza Hut is offering with that hot dog stuffed crust? I lost 65 pound last year and even my old fat guy self can't stomach the thought of it
  8. It's easy to fain a positive attitude from my keyboard and have my breakdowns when my wife is around to put my pieces back together. Being broke and having to depend upon her to carry the entire load (financially) on her own shoulders is a huge burden for me mentally being a child who is from that family where the dad was the sole breadwinner. Luckily she is strong all the times I can't be, and I fill in the gaps in between. But finding this place has helped a lot with the depression I suffer thanks to having a constant engagement of ideas and multiple sources to find input. Amazing how therapeutic talking to total strangers can be when none of your "real friends" seems to help
  9. I know right? I had heart surgery just before the seizures started for slow heart rhythm so I also have a pacemaker for that I picked up at 27. I'm all sorts of fun for my family to deal with lol
  10. Thanks. It certainly isn't, and not being able to work because of it sucks much worse. I'm 38, and never had seizures until I was 29, so it's been a weird and often scary ride the past decade. Sure isn't where I thought I would be at 21 you know?
  11. Hope you get to feeling better soon. I'm on an array of meds for multiple issues of health and cannot stand when something that's supposed to help makes me feel worse than before. Having epilepsy is no fun when you can't keep you medications at an effective level to avoid seizures but not toxifying yourself with too much at the same time (the boat I am in). This of course, amplifies already existing anxieties and you know where that leads & leaves you.
  12. I sent a record off earlier this week and the mailer had a "Careful Fragile Contents" sticker on it from where ever I had ordered it from to begin with. When I asked the clerk he told me it was because they were putting Fragile items separately for special handling now, so he covered the sticker for me and I just got the insurance for cheaper.
  13. It's always been about the music to me, after all, you have no idea who these people are even after you've fallen in love with their band or them as a songwriter/singer. But once their antics become more prevalent than more worthwhile output, when do you just give up?
  14. Gotcha. And yes, from what I have gathered it isn't somewhere you should be proud of being from. I met a woman online once and she was from there, but had no clue who he was even though they are close in age. She told me people there look down on you for being from Massillon. Makes his oafish ways seem more normal in reality. He's just a guy who managed to write really beautiful music, but he's as deep as a mud puddle in reality.
  15. Anyone have a favorite musician that you love their work but at the same time you enjoy making fun of them for one reason or another based on their personality or mannerisms like, I like Dave Matthews and always will, but I really like joking about his drunken stage jibber jabber. Same with Kozelek, I own damn near anything he's ever put his name on, but I still joke about his shitty attitude and his love for cats & antiques.
  16. So the Tuscarawas doesn't flow into the Great Lakes? lol Sorry...I had too say it lol
  17. I've seen Koz a few times live long before this whole big blow up over his attitude became such public talk, but he's always been surly as hell. He stopped a song once at a show I attended to talk shit to me for "not having a girlfriend huh?" because I was writing down his set list as he was playing. I can deal with pissy artist, but his new songs just aren't songs to me so I wouldn't pay to watch him avoid playing any of his back catalog
  18. Not to mention having been shot twice in the abdomen... I'm quite sure he's not running a damn place for a long while
  19. If anyone is still looking for a copy of this I have one to trade. I'm looking to pick up some other Kozelek album I don't have like Sings Christmas Carols in any color other than green. Let me know if you're interested. Sealed copy also!
  20. I was just showing my step son what a set up cost another board member had posted. I think he blew a seal when he realized 3 components could cost near $5k lol
  21. I feel you on the space limit issue. I keep re-arranging my stuff and would like to flip mine upright as well, but it's lengthwise to accommodate my components to avoid shelving or a component rack.
  22. With all the talk of how the postal service's business has declined you'd think they would install new ethics to get customers back, but that's a gov't run agency for you..The post right near me is a main hub and they have talked about closing it for damn near 3 years now..If that happens and I mail a letter to someone in town with me, the letter has to go to Columbia which is an hour one way, then get sent back here to be delivered across town....
  23. You can set it up to text you for deliver/attempt or for every move it makes you can get a text. Once you start a profile and load your address in it will let you know any kind of registered mail with your name/address pops up in their system. I can't remember how I stumbled across it either, probably while looking for shipping rates. https://my.usps.com/go/pages/intro/start.action
  24. I just recently started using the USPS dashboard to keep up with all my incoming and outgoing things, and whenever possible I choose the option to make the delivery point my front door. With it being 105+ here right now I surely don't want my records just hanging out in a parcel locker all day. It also alerts me as soon as something has been delivered so I know it's there and can shuffle off to get it to avoid missing the carrier or chance a record getting warped from the heat. I'll get a text, open my front door, and magically there's a package waiting for me.
  25. Does anyone know a valid reason a package would sit in the state right next door to the destination point for upwards of 4 days before it moves. I mailed a book for my wife and it left our city, went to our capital, then showed up in NJ and sat for 4 days waiting to go to NYC

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