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Dan's Relationship Advice Thread

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okay, so let me get this straight...

seems that most guys don't really like girls that much (as people, not sexually). and most GIRLS don't really like girls that much.

what good are most girls then?

I would have to say that from what I've picked up from this board is the girls here aren't like "normal" girls (I use the term normal loosely, no pun intended).

I've only had a few close girl friends, but I had more guy friends. Now that I'm older and the guy friends couple up, they aren't allowed out with their chick friends anymore. So now I hang out with more girls that are obnoxious like me and everything is ok. But I still wouldn't want to live with them.

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i actually don't mind living with them. one is kind of a bitch and needs her way with everything but she's gone quite a bit cause she works and goes to school so i manage to get along with her. i don't mind her but that's probably because i don't have to deal with her much. The one i'm into is obviously really cool. The other 2 keep to themselves quite a bit. One of them I probably only see 3 times a week for 5 minutes if i'm lucky. She lives in her room like no ones business. At least the bitchy one walks around in her underwear a lot and she's pretty attractive. She's one of those people that you know is attractive but you have a hard time finding attractive because you know them too well.

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i actually don't mind living with them. one is kind of a bitch and needs her way with everything but she's gone quite a bit cause she works and goes to school so i manage to get along with her. i don't mind her but that's probably because i don't have to deal with her much. The one i'm into is obviously really cool. The other 2 keep to themselves quite a bit. One of them I probably only see 3 times a week for 5 minutes if i'm lucky. She lives in her room like no ones business. At least the bitchy one walks around in her underwear a lot and she's pretty attractive. She's one of those people that you know is attractive but you have a hard time finding attractive because you know them too well.

hm... pics or it didn't happen

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it would be highly frowned upon if i posted pictures of her on the internet. highly!

anyways, new question.

So i'm wheeling this other girl too. She used to date someone i was kind of friends with and then we both moved away from home and both live in Saskatoon right now where we're going to university. I ended up having one class with her this term so I sort of started wheeling her, send her text messages every once and a while etc. What's the best way to escalate this? I can't really tell if she's into me or not.

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it would be highly frowned upon if i posted pictures of her on the internet. highly!

anyways, new question.

So i'm wheeling this other girl too. She used to date someone i was kind of friends with and then we both moved away from home and both live in Saskatoon right now where we're going to university. I ended up having one class with her this term so I sort of started wheeling her, send her text messages every once and a while etc. What's the best way to escalate this? I can't really tell if she's into me or not.

ask her out this weekend, but in a group setting. she won't feel pressured like you asked her on a date, but she'll know you're into her. also, you'll be able to tell if she at all feels the same. if she tells you that she can't, but thanks for the offer, she's not into it. if she says she can't, but how about this other time.... then she's at least open to the idea. if she says yes right away, then you're in like flynn.

if and when she does go out with you, be cool about it. don't hint toward gettin it on with her. just be cool. you just wanna feel things out at first. let her dictate the conversations, but you have to participate. if she asks you something, answer it. if she asks you "what's your favorite musical group" or something like that, answer her, and then ask her hers. don't be a dud. you're just trying to keep things loose, and hopefully by the end of the night you'll have an idea of whether or not she's into you at least a little.

you don't wanna push too hard, though. don't make plans with her again too soon, but at the same time, if you guys had fun together, you don't want to leave her hanging too long. otherwise she'll get mixed signals from you. the second time you guys hang out should be something just the two of you, but still public. like a movie, or take her out to dinner or something. you should start dropping some hints about how you wanna stick it in her, but don't phrase it that way. normally girls don't like that.

so let's recap: first date = group setting, go to a party or bar or something. have fun. don't make it obvious you wanna date her.

second date = just the two of you, but in public. have fun. make it more obvious you wanna date her.

you'll be fine.

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OK, I'll shoot.

Dan, long time reader, first time questioner. There's a cute single girl that is friends with a couple of my buddies. She was supposed to come to my house for the Super Bowl, but ended up having to work.

See, I've never met this chick. Only seen photos of her on Facebook. Any time I try and mention anything, my dumbshit friends can't take a hint. I don't want to be that dude and say "hook a bro up," but don't necessarily want to be that online dude.

What do I do?

I'll hang up and listen to your answer.

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OK, I'll shoot.

Dan, long time reader, first time questioner. There's a cute single girl that is friends with a couple of my buddies. She was supposed to come to my house for the Super Bowl, but ended up having to work.

See, I've never met this chick. Only seen photos of her on Facebook. Any time I try and mention anything, my dumbshit friends can't take a hint. I don't want to be that dude and say "hook a bro up," but don't necessarily want to be that online dude.

What do I do?

I'll hang up and listen to your answer.

boizee, thanks for the write-in. this one's easy. tell your friends you're in need of a rub and tug. when they all look at you funny, say "well, i was thinking you guys could do it, but if you're not comfortable with that, HOOK A BROTHA UP!!!"

no shame in having them help get the ball rolling. WAY better than being the internet dude. that's so creepy.

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says who...

hell i'll stick my dick in the mash potata's if i want to...

Remind me to eat before I come over if you ever invite me to dinner at your place.

i would never stick my dick in cheese fondue, mash potatoes or any form of meat biproduct or object. A woman yes, but that's basically where my dick goes. i just used the mash potato reference because i just watched WAITING>. my bad..

trust me if you ever came over for dinner.. it'd be take-out. i don't cook (anymore)

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dan, does alcohol make me less susceptible to getting my feelings hurt?

quite the contrary, despite popular belief. it may seem like it at the time, but your brain will actually start to crave the alcohol when you feel bad, since you've conditioned it to think that way. before you know it, it will take more and more alcohol to ease the pain, and BAM you're an alcoholic. you lose your job, your gf, your place of residence. what's worse, you'll start fuckin fat chicks and probably get chlamydia or some shit. personally, i'd rather just have some hurt feelings for a night or two. but hey, to each his own.

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ugh, this is such a tough one. i had the same thing with this girl who lives in Munich. as hard as it's going to be, you might have to just move on. if it's only going to be a year, you could maybe stick it out through GREAT communication, but you'd both have to work really hard. especially with the time difference. you'd have to be committed to making that relationship work through phone calls (which get super expensive, unless you use skype or something), video chatting, e-mails, IMs, and letters.

but, if it's possible that the distance could last TWO years, my advice would be to just keep the lines of communication open so that a relationship down the road wouldn't be impossible, but that you're not putting your life on hold for something that might not even work later on. people can change SO much in two years, especially when you're both living in two completely different cultures. who's to say that her values (and yours), her views on life (and yours), her views on love, etc. won't drastically change over the next two years?

of course this is going to suck, and of course you're going to think about her non-stop and how much easier things would be if you guys just lived closer to each other, but sometimes that's just the hand you're dealt. you need to have a serious serious serious talk with her pretty much as soon as you can about where your relationship is right now, and where you both want it to go. a year can be done (it's going to suck, no doubt, but it can be done), but two years would be A LOT harder, especially if it will be two uninterrupted years of not seeing each other in person. there's only so much connection that can be made through a webcam and a phone call. people have gone longer than two years, but they are in the FAR minority.

if you guys can make it through 2 years apart though (or even just one), then you know she's the one, and you know you guys can make it through anything. when she comes back, you'll be amazed at how the little things that used to cause fights just don't matter anymore. she shows up 20 minutes later than she said she would to dinner? so what? at least you get to be with her. she keeps picking really shitty movies? so what? at least you're there to watch them together.

you just really need to look deep within yourself and think if she's really worth a possible two year wait to you. because that's what you'll be doing... waiting. you'd basically be putting your life on hold for her. and i'm not trying to say that you shouldn't, because it can be done. but it's a LOT harder than people think. i mean, i was in a long-distance relationship for 3 and a half years with a girl who lived 6 hours away, so we at least got to see each other every 3 weeks or so. but it ended up ruining our relationship (well, that, coupled with the fact that she was a drunken whore, but that's another story...), so i can only imagine how tough an overseas relationship would be.

either way, you're in store for some hardcore soul-searching. my advice, first and foremost, though, would be to have a serious talk with her and figure out where she sees things heading. then move from there.

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Alright, I'll go again.

There's this girl I met online probably about a year ago. We sent some e-mails back and forth and she seemed pretty cool. Loves punk rock, horror movies, she reads books, all good things. Anyways, we set up a day to have coffee together but then she flakes. "Oh, I'm getting my hair done." Okay, well let's do it next week then. Okay, but then she flakes again, so I gave up on that one, but we still kinda stayed in contact a little. I do, however, know for a fact this girl checks my blog every day, at least once a day. She's still single and doesn't want to be. Should I try my hand at this again?

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just tell her you wouldn't mind hanging out, and give her your number or e-mail address. that's where your end of the bargain is over.

let her make all the contact with you. she flaked on you not once but twice in the past. you don't need to waste your time setting things up this go 'round. if she wants to hang out, put it on her. you can't be disappointed if you don't put in any work. and if she actually comes through, then bonus.

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alright, ive pretty much got this figured out but I figure it will give some other people some help or at least quality reading. About a year and a half ago my girlfriend, who I am still with, went to ireland with her family. While there she and her family met up with family friends. She was 18 at the time and the guy they hung out with the most was 24. They went to the pub as a group the first time and then he took her back alone the next night. She had never drank before and he bought her a couple drinks, they proceeded to make out and after all of this happened she got ahold of me and told me all about it. She was really upset stayed in her room the rest of the trip. She felt like she betrayed me and I also feel that the guy took advantage of her from buying her all that alcohol even though they totally shouldn't have been alone in the first place. It took a while for me to trust her again and I definitely do now, I may even marry her. But she has to study abroad for the summer or a semester. Should I be worried it will happen again or trust her? Like I said I am pretty sure I know the answer but am interested in what you think. thanks dude

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alright, ive pretty much got this figured out but I figure it will give some other people some help or at least quality reading. About a year and a half ago my girlfriend, who I am still with, went to ireland with her family. While there she and her family met up with family friends. She was 18 at the time and the guy they hung out with the most was 24. They went to the pub as a group the first time and then he took her back alone the next night. She had never drank before and he bought her a couple drinks, they proceeded to make out and after all of this happened she got ahold of me and told me all about it. She was really upset stayed in her room the rest of the trip. She felt like she betrayed me and I also feel that the guy took advantage of her from buying her all that alcohol even though they totally shouldn't have been alone in the first place. It took a while for me to trust her again and I definitely do now, I may even marry her. But she has to study abroad for the summer or a semester. Should I be worried it will happen again or trust her? Like I said I am pretty sure I know the answer but am interested in what you think. thanks dude

i'd say it really just depends if you do actually trust her. she obviously is now aware of the "risks" or alcohol.

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trust her. especially if she felt as bad as you say she did, and she has proven herself to be trustworthy since then. obviously you have to have the "uhh, let's not let that happen again" conversation with her, but don't beat a dead horse. she knows she fucked up then, but hopefully she's a little more experienced (both with alcohol and in life) today than she was a year and a half ago.

tell her that you trust her (and hopefully you do) and that you don't want her to stay in her room all semester. tell her you want her to get the most of the experience and that you want her to go out and have fun. but tell her that you do have thoughts in the back of your mind about what happened with the 24 year old and that it would crush you if something like that happened again. don't tell her you expect it to happen, because hopefully you don't. if you do, then just end things now because you will drive yourself crazy thinking about it while she's gone. but tell her that it is something you've thought about, but since you love her so much, you're willing to work through the distance and hope that this experience will only bring the two of you closer together.

if you haven't done the long-distance thing before, you're in store for a unique experience. i was just talking to a REALLY good friend about this about half an hour ago, actually. plus sides to long-distance relationships:

- you get to know them on a completely different level

- you are forced to become their best friend in an emotional sense, not the physical sense

- the time you spend together will be THAT much better

- you can do your own thing and not have to worry about explaining why you want to hang out with your friends

- it will cost you WAY less money

but there are certainly downfalls, too. you are going to have to work, and you are certainly going to have to trust each other. if you are willing to do that, it will go smoothly. you just have to find ways to connect on a different level, because you're not going to be there to hold her hand and kiss her goodnight every time you want to.

you just have to have patience and TONS of trust, and things will work out.

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