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Everything posted by TheRareCreature

  1. That's why I said is/was pop punk... You start off as pop punk and you will absolutely still have pop punk fans as fans as you "grow". And I know a lot of people think it's crap compared to L&F. I definitely don't think that's the case...I like L&F more but this album is a definite grower after five listens. To say it sounds "nothing" like L&F is just ridiculous. Obviously they are different records but you could have put over half of these songs on L&F and fans would have been pretty happy to hear them two years ago. Are you a big Transit fan or what? I'm just wondering where you're coming from.
  2. I listened to this again today. I've never been a huge Transit fan but I did really like Keep This To Yourself. This new record sounds pretty much like Listen & Forgive to me so it's definitely not as bad as everyone is saying. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if people actually listen to it and you start to hear a few brave fans saying it's their new favorite Transit record or at better than Listen & Forgive. That being said, Nothing Lasts Forever and Young New England are both a bit silly but fun to sing along to. I'll continue to refer to those two as guilty pleasures. As far as the lyrics go, I'll have to check them out later. Transit is/was a pop punk band and probably most of their fans are in high school so I'm not surprised if the lyrics are meant to appeal to that crowd. Also, I have never been a huge fan of Joe's voice...it has always sounded weird and absolutely still sounds weird. It does stand out a bit more at some parts of this record than it has in the past and he does deserve some criticism here. All that being said, I recommend people actually give the record a chance instead of writing it off. I'm increasing the score on my official VC review from 5-6 to 6-7.
  3. Sorry about the sneeze! I can't wait for some new material and more shows...and most importantly, I need more Brendan vinyl!
  4. I would support a policy of listing a reason in the final post before locking....
  5. Well I don't know him but I believe you. Like I said, I have enjoyed some other reviews from him. I have no issues with him whatsoever. I actually admire his defense of the review and the way he is handling #GFYTN. I think not knowing him makes it easier to see how this review is nowhere near his best. The responses from a lot of people basically say "Just an opinion from an awesome writer/reviewer." Maybe his shit flows smoothly like a faucet cuz I sure as hell ain't no writer but he definitely should have had a few people review his review before posting it. I honestly could have talked to him for 10 minutes about it before it went up and we would have all avoided this shitstorm. I just find it hard to believe that any fan of the band or music in general would write about them like that. He probably should have just borrowed my line that compared the title track to Rebecca Black and called it a day. Maybe I'm suffering from the same flaw and now being too harsh in my critique of his critique...Ahh the irony. Edit: For the record i rate Young New England about a 5-6 right now and I take Nassiff's side in the aftermath given the band's response...just so ya'll know where I'm coming from.
  6. I don't understand the people that say it was a well written review...too much fluff, fours across the board, unnecessarily harsh word selection while pretending to be a fan of the band, rumors of a breakup, the random comparison to Daisy, etc. I've read some of his other reviews and certainly enjoyed them. I'm not in the business of giving reviews, music blogs, or whatever it is that AP does but he should probably try to be a bit more diplomatic in his negative reviews. Some of the commentary seemed a bit disrespectful and if you actually read the review instead of saying "Yeah this record sucks" then it's pretty easy to pick up on those lines. I think that's where the backlash is coming from. However, the band's response is absolutely unforgivable. Good reviewers write bad reviews. I'm not about to write Thomas Nassiff off, and I hope no one else will, either.
  7. Still waiting to hear back from somebody but nothing happening yet...bump
  8. My favorite part is any part that involves the mother of dragons. Also, I can't wait to see what Tyrion Lannister has planned. He is about to do something crazy!
  9. You just got scammed by Amazon and somebody shopping on Amazon
  10. Dude that's epic...Jason Tate says he isn't mad...he wasn't mad and still isn't mad! But calls you a prick, stupid ass, and tells you to go fuck yourself. Seems mad to me!
  11. I'll check out those standout tracks again but that's like most of the album no? Weathered Souls does rule!
  12. "Nothing Lasts Forever" is still a track that is fun to mock but it is now a guilty pleasure for me along the lines of Taylor Swift or Katy Perry coming on the radio. "Young New England" is definitely my least favorite track on the album right now but also has some guilty pleasure potential with that weird intro and chorus. Edit: What I'm saying is yes, I do sing to Taylor Swift or Katy Perry on the radio... "Weathered Souls" is my favorite track and they should have released that as their first single "Nothing Lasts Forever" already had people hating the album before it came out. For me, it definitely lowered my expectations but I tried to be objective when giving the whole album a listen. The rest of the album seems to have some potential but nothing really stood out after listening twice. So I'll probably listen to it in entirety a few more times and pick out a few more favorites or just listen to "Weathered Souls" and forget the rest. What are the favorite tracks from the VC community?
  13. Epic, let me know if you want her to rate any other songs haha
  14. If you are going to bump such an outdated thread, provide information with the bump
  15. Some people here actually buy records at those crazy prices...you can "steal" an ebay sale $20-40 cheaper than what is the common price on rare occasions...sometimes these people want to capitalize on that by flipping the record for a quick buck.
  16. db edit: Definitely giving this album a chance. I made it to the title track and it kind of reminds me of Rebecca Black in the male form. edit #2: Had my sister objectively listen to the song and she rates it a 2.2 out of 10
  17. I just don't pay those prices and if I really want money I'll do the same without advertising it on VC. That's the part that bothers me...if you are already getting a jacked up Ebay price, don't advertise it here!
  18. To people that listened... If we liked "Nothing Lasts Forever", will we love the album? If we did not like "Nothing Lasts Forever, will we dislike the album?
  19. The EP was my fav but Let it Enfold You was a close second
  20. Definitely do not care about the variant at all. I'll PM you!

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