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Everything posted by laralaurent

  1. So this place is auctioning off a lot of BB props from the set. So men, if you ever really wanted to know what it feels like to be Heisenberg - you can wear his tighty whities! http://screenbid.auctionserver.net/view-auctions/catalog/id/6/?page=3&key=breaking+bad&cat=&xclosed=no&items=50 Personally, that Jesse stash box is pretty awesome Or, you know, you can buy this for your little girls:
  2. for a woman's eyes only: does it make me super gross/freaky that this is a weird fantasy of mine? I blame sex and the city.
  3. you HAVE to dress up. His/her fault for having a wedding so close to halloween and actually on the prime dressing up night.
  4. http://www.slate.com/blogs/crime/2013/09/23/breaking_bad_handcuffs_here_s_how_to_escape_from_a_pair_of_handcuffs_using.html "Breaking Bad Wasn’t Lying: You Can Totally Use a Paperclip to Unlock a Pair of Handcuffs"
  5. are we talking Uncle Jesse, Achey Breaky Heart, or AC Slater Mullet... big difference between the 3
  6. Alright everyone, it's getting to that time. I need help in deciding a halloween costume. I'm not the girl that wants to buy a slutty costume from buycostumes.com or some other shit that like 90 chicks will be wearing that night. I'd rather make my slutty costume or have a pop culture/movie/tv inspired get-up but I've exhausted my ideas. I've been Drew Barrymore from Scream, Jennifer Aniston from Office Space with the flair, Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction, and the secretary from Beetle juice which was basically a glorified chastity belt. I go all out. Blue skin, wigs, what have you. My thoughts this year are: Penny Lane from Almost Famous (but only because I have a wicked faux fur coat) Margot Tenenbaum, which would work in Denver but I'm feeling like it is uninspired. Dee from It's Always Sunny during the Nightman Cometh
  7. Embarrassed to say that I never paid much attention to FB posters. They're my favorite band and I recently discovered how awesome and haunting a lot of their posters are. So I'm into whatever I can find. If anyone has some let me know, please! Love you forever. If I had to get specific I'm really obsessed over these:
  8. Yeah I definitely didn't see Grey Matter coming back. And I thought it was just great. Clearly the cancer fueled Walter White into becoming a drug dealer because he thought that was the only way to make a lot of money on a short period of time. Grey Matter fuels Heisenberg and his need to be respected and feared. Very clever ending. I, too was expecting more action but that's just because the last like 4 episodes were super crazy. SO looking forward to next week. Heisenberg seemingly gets what he wants because he's so brilliant and calculating. Walter White is more emotional and less so.
  9. I just got my tickets for the series finale. I almost wet myself just looking at them. Yeahhh
  10. There's not an emmy's thread and I wouldn't dare make one but the fact that Al Pacino did not receive an emmy for his portrayal of Phil Spector is a great tragedy. Not that I watched the movie but this picture sealed the deal for me...
  11. what are the little dots next to some apps? recent updates? I think that I would know when I recently updated an app..
  12. yeah but how often did jesse fuck up until he finally got it
  13. Kriss, one of my favorite quotes applies here: "To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." ee Cummings. It takes a brave person to stand up for yourself, especially when you know you're in the minority. But stay true and live your life the way you want. It's yours, not ours. Wish you the best!
  14. this is awesome. looks like this little guy was just flying to his/her heart's content
  15. I sure as shit do not buy multiples of the same. Not really knocking that if that's your thing. But I am more than comfortable with a one and done. That said, I buy what I can afford. So moderation is obviously part of that equation.
  16. I try to cut back on buying records. God knows my mail man would appreciate it. But then my favorite artists allllllllways have to put out a limited edition colored vinyl or a really great record and I just give in. Womp
  17. If you really want to be rebellious, you should take the bed (seriously, it's not that bad) and then hide all your weed in the drawers. Because nothing is more rebellious than weed...
  18. also, hilarious: http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/coca-cola-apologizes-offensive-bottle-cap/story?id=20308898
  19. reminds me of that scene in into the wild. sticky situation. but, at least you get the bed you want?
  20. haha i love it when you find yourself in random vids/photos. im in a spin mag shot where fountains of wayne were underneath the mushroom fountain at bonnaroo. i'm there getting soaked and enjoying my hippie life. i'm also in a felice brothers vid but I havent been able to track that down.
  21. This is so much better than reaching 1000 likes. I'm in and donated $15. Just really glad that it's going toward something worth donating!

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