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Everything posted by corbet

  1. I'm pretty vocal when it comes to Cell Phone Providers but I'll try to keep it down a notch. Verizon is utter shit. The only people who can justify staying with Verizon are people in rural America. Judging by your location I can almost guarantee all the major providers have a great network where you live. Why Verizon Sucks: -Locked down CDMA phones -crappy "standardized" UI on their dumbphones -expensive plans -they nickel and dime you for EVERYTHING Verizon is the ONLY provider who charges people for GPS capabilities - when you buy a phone with a GPS chip you already pay for the right to use GPS for free. Verizon locks down the GPS chips on all of their phones to force you to use VZ Navigator, which is an extra $10 a month. They also lock out the ability to copy media files via USB to your computer so you're forced to use their ringtone/music service which is a ripoff. There really is no reason to use Verizon. The only people I know who still use Verizon are 1) Uninformed Consumers (which is why they're the most popular provider), 2) Students whose parents pay for their phone/plan (aka Uninformed Consumers), Verizon employees, and people whose work pays for Verizon. I would never (knowingly) support a company who tries to nickel and dime their customers.
  2. They were sick of living in a van more or less. As someone who has friends in bands, it really does suck. They've been known to sleep in Wal-Mart parking lots.
  3. iPhone 3G owner here but the Bold is indeed sexy. One of these days I'll pick up a Blackberry to see if I like it more. It's hard to compete with the App Store though.
  4. Reading it again I think there's 3 versions: -LP/CD "Special" Screenprinted Edition -LP/CD "Regular" -CD Now I need the prices of the screenprinted version.
  5. I'm confused. Now there are 3 (!!!) "limited screen printed" editions? What are the numbers on these? Differences?
  6. Can someone PLEASE pick me up a copy if their local store still has copies? I missed out.
  7. True Story: I was in contact with BvsS when they were looking for a place to write Terrorhawk. I have a house up in Michigan that never gets used (hunting loudge) but plans fell through at the last minute. It would have been awesome to say they wrote Terrorhawk at my house. Also, isn't there going to be some confusion seeing as how the 1st pressing was Red/Yellow swirl?
  8. I don't care what anyone says, this is unacceptable. Obviously it's none of my business but there is NO EXCUSE for a package to take 4 months to ship. Any other messageboard would ban this person for being shady, even if said person was an active poster. Refund the money or ship the items.
  9. Straight Edge doesn't have a list of items you can't consumer. There are straight edge people who won't take any type of drug included caffeine, Tylenol, ect. That doesn't mean every straight edge person has the same ideals. Is it really that hard to understand? Some people are against things like Tylenol, I'm personally fine with a drug that will ease pain. By your logic I guess Straight Edge people can't be put under anesthesia if they have surgey. : For the record, I've never smoked or done drugs and I drank once. I consider myself straight edge. I believe Marijuana should be legalized and the drinking age should be lowered to 18. In fact, I actually wrote to my local rep about the recent bill proposed to decriminalize marijuana.
  10. This is a stupid argument. I don't know how old you are but nowadays drugs and alcohol is rampant in High School. I live in the suburbs and coke is HUGE around here and its common for 15-16 year olds to get drunk all the time. Sophomore year a girl actually brought Vodka and put it in a water bottle and drank it in class. Your mom isn't straight edge because she's not part of that culture. I listen to punk music, does that mean I live the punk lifestyle? No. but many people are part of the punk lifestyle and dress appropriately.
  11. So fucking right its amazing. I get the whole idea of it, trying to a better person but not drinking, using drugs, or engaging in other possibly harmful activities but why in the hell would you label yourself? I mean its just another clique of people. So you're not in a frat but you're straight edge isn't it two side of the same coin? This only really applies to those kids who feel the need to publicize, preach, or otherwise flaunt their whole straight edge deal. The kids who just feel like not drinking, drugging etc but say nothing, good for you. Oh and being "edge" before you can legally buy alcohol or smokes is just silly. Straight Edgers like to hang out together. Is that really hard to understand? I don't drink or do drugs, do you know how many times people have pushed them onto me? I don't like being around that kind of environment and having 'straight edge' friends is a good thing. There will ALWAYS be labels for everything. Punk kids. Hardcore kids. Vegans. Athiests. Stoners. The list goes on. People have pride to relate to these groups - there are plenty of "pot leaf" t-shirts, vegan t-shirts, ect. I know of a high school science teacher who has 5-10 Athiest stickers on his car. I find it funny that being Straight Edge pisses people off. Why do you care? Stoners and Drunks annoy the hell out of me but you don't see me bitching about it on the internet. Just ignore it.
  12. I've never listened to Envy, what albums does everyone recommend? Should I just grab their latest full length?
  13. This is always what happens when you first discover a band. Nothing else compares to the first CD you hear.
  14. SXE is very much part of the hardcore culture - how can people on these boards not "get it"?
  15. I just went up to Ikea last week. No Expedit though... I did get a new desk! 40 minutes away. I love Ann Arbor so it was worth it.
  16. I saw Thursday last Winter at a VERY small venue in Detroi with Circle Takes the Square and Portugal. The Man and they were as good as ever. Maybe they're more energetic for smaller shows? All I gotta say is great, another amazing band releasing a box set that will surely hurt my wallet. One of my favorite bands ever. Also.... WATT > Full Collapse
  17. Waiting for the vinyl-only release. I'd like the most limited version of the record but I'm not willing to lay down $80 for it. My wallet is already weeping because of TSOAF and Underoath releases.
  18. I'm seeing them at the end of this month - if they have anything at the merch table I might be tempted to pick something up.
  19. I like it. Love the song with Chino singing in it and track 2. I wouldn't say it's album of the year or anything. It's a good time for music right now.
  20. FYI, the singer of GAD sings on the song "Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most" on Dance Gavin Dance's new CD. Say what you will about the band, it was a pleasant surprise hearing the song for the first time.
  21. The only mask I'm not feeling is cat. I'm leaning towrds Vulture or Boar.
  22. They changed animals... cat , goat, vulture, and boar arn't on your list.
  23. Does anyone know what mask is for what member? Looks like they changed animals... I wonder which one is Anthony Green. Personally the Vulture mask is the coolest.

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