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National IDs in 2014?

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It appears to be a done deal:


I'm quoting someone else on this, but it fits all too well:

1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.

"The last thing I want to do is punish citizens of a state who would love to have a REAL ID license but can't get one," Chertoff said. "But in the end, the rule is the rule as passed by Congress."

Yeah, WHAT THE FUCK STATES? Trying to prevent me from having a REAL ID. They've been standing in my way far too long. BRING ON THE REAL IDs! And take away some of these pesky freedoms while you're at it! I'm sick of being responsible for myself and my own actions. Nanny state here we come! Woooooooooo!

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Isn't a passport the equivalent of a national id? I mean what's the point? (I know the snarky point and this does feel way too much like 1984. More down this road and I'm fleeing to Canada)

I mean besides all the bad consequences for personal freedom isn't it just redundant and costly for no real benefit?

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Guest scriptedrain

Why does everything have to refer back to September 11th? It was a horrible set of events, for sure, but is this what Bush and Co. are still trying to brand for sympathy and patriotism?

Our future as a nation is looking more unstable as time passes.

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Why does everything have to refer back to September 11th? It was a horrible set of events, for sure, but is this what Bush and Co. are still trying to brand for sympathy and patriotism?

Our future as a nation is looking more unstable as time passes.

It's called selling out your countrymen and using tragedy for personal gain. Or as I like to call it, the Ghouliani Effect.

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the UK is trying to do the same thing. a card with a retina scan and a DNA imprint.

it may be a surprise to some but we are the most surveilled nation in the world. we are photographed an average of 300 times a DAY! our mobile phone calls are directed through a government screening facility where words like 'bomb', 'terrorist' and the all-time no. 1 are singled out and more comprehensive surveillance is carried out on the caller.

bring on the police state.

governments are self-serving, hyprocritical institutions that have no regard for the welfare of the citizens they govern. i mean, they are supposed to represent us aren't they? biggest protests in history over here regarding the new iraq war, but our good ole bansai's (little Bush's - Tony Blair and John Howard) still went ahead, flagrantly and i believe, criminally disregarding the massive majority of their own citizens.

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I'm not trying to be offensive, but England seems like kind of a nanny-state. I'm not surprised about the surveillance thing. It's said that they've been doing the same thing as your call screening over here with ECHELON - I believe that's exactly what you are talking about.

It all seems pretty alarming, but I honestly believe the world and every society has functioned like a kind of pendulum between it's extremes.

I mean..... throughout the course of history, even individual societies, you see these shifting patterns between everything that seems diametrically opposed.




and so on.

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seems like a nanny state???!!

man, we're mrs fucking doubfire over here!!!

it only takes one event to shift said pendulum. societies do shift between the elements that dictate government policy of whoever happens to be in charge at the time. therefore, it is logical to expect a republican-type of political party to swing between the centre and the right - just depends on the degree of the shift & serious events that occur like 9/11 and 7/7.

it would seem that a democratic-type government may not have taken the same measures, however i'm sure no matter how left the government were, they would've moved much more towards the centre - exactly what our labour govt did over here. so much so, the disctinction between the 2 parties was/is seriously blurred.

shifting patterns are absolutely par for the course when you have government systems in place to run countries. the fundamental issue is, i believe, that no matter what shifts occur, they rarely happen through the actions of the people, rather through the direction the ruling power wants to take.

the direction that we, as the people, are democratically empowed to decide. governments that do not abide by the wishes of the people are practicing un-democratic methodolgy.

the UK, the US, the Australian, practically every government 'for' the war were seriously undemocratic in their collective decision.

hell, france was probably the ONLY country practicing real democracy!!!

and boy, were they hammered when they opposed the war.

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from what i understand, to get around the "we dont spy on our own citizens" bullshit, the US spies on UK citizens and the UK spies on US citizens, and then trade the info. just what ive heard.

also, i always like to bring this image up whenever the whole "why do they keep referring back to 9/11?" question pops up:


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