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Posts posted by tipyourbartender

  1. I voted for Gore, Kerry, Obama twice and Sanders in the Primary. Debbie Wasserman whatever called the election for Hillary the day before the CA primary was held. I still went anyway even though she essentially made my vote useless. I was so happy when she resigned in disgrace. I can't wait to see the new chairwomen go down in flames for feeding debate questions to Hillary in advance. Will her best friends at CNN even question her about it? Doubtful, any investigation could expose them for being involved. The Democratic party I believed in back in my 20s was a terrible lie. After reading these emails I will never vote for a Democrat with any ties to the Clinton's or their agenda. 


  2. The Democrats have somehow twisted the the media into becoming the fourth branch of government. They are working for the White House whether they realize it or not. They are selling a message that America is racist, poor, and controlled by evil old white men who keep all the money. Democrats are the party of unity, and republicans are the party of rich white racists. I'm sorry, but that is just not true. It's a disgusting lie actually. Of course there are bad people out there with awful beliefs, but they don't represent any large portion of America. 

    According to HRC Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding ISIS and other radical Sunni groups. They also donate tens of millions of dollars to Clinton's foundation. That is pretty scary to think about. It's not impossible to think the Clinton's are being influenced by the same people who are influencing the destruction of Western Civilization. Maybe she will blame Thomas Jefferson for this one. 


  3. Both candidates want the best for the country. It won't be the end of the world in either scenario. Both sides will say and do anything to win, especially this close to the election, and that brings out the worst in people. They lie right to people's faces like we can't tell. I wish there was a shred of honesty and mutual respect between sides. 


  4. I would like to share something I observed the other week when that dick hole tried to blow up NY and NJ

    When the news broke of a small explosion in NJ everyone on the news said not to jump to any conclusions. No one knows what really happened. Then a second "possible explosion" happened in the city. Again, we don't know what happened so don't speculate. The two instances may not even be related. It could be anything right? Things just randomly explode all the time. Everyone said the same thing except Donald Trump, but that isn't even my point.  My point is the news media, and Washington made it very clear that we shouldn't come to any conclusions until all the facts are known. 

    A few days later news breaks that a black guy was shot during a police altercation. Did Washington and the news media put out statements telling people to remain calm, don't jump to conclusions and wait for the facts? No, it was the opposite of that. The news media reports anything and everything that may or may not be true. First the guy was just sitting in his car reading a book while parked in the middle of the road. Then he wasn't reading, he was smoking a blunt. Then the book turned into a gun. Maybe it was a book about a gun?  The false reporting is causing people to riot and kill cops. 

    I am all for protesting the unfair practices of police. I don't think anyone deserves to die while interacting with cops except in extreme and rare circumstances. 

    Here is what I took away: Don't spread a false narrative that muslims are terrorists and at war with America. Do spread a false narrative that police are racist killers who operate above the law. 


  5. 39 minutes ago, Bladewillisisdead said:

    Taxation is the price we pay to live in the country. A country requires infrastructure. If you want to live on a floating garbage island in international waters then you don't have to pay taxes.


    Death to libertarianism.

    Federal and state income tax is theft. There are many other types of taxes the government collects. Most are bullshit. Many you could argue are fair and maybe even necessary. 

    People fundamentally disagree with the concept of a large federal government. Huge taxes on every dollar that is passed back and forth just inflates this huge terrible beast that nobody wanted in the first place. We want to reduce taxes thus reduce the size of the government. Amazon and UPS will maintain the roads if they want to keep selling people stupid shit all day long. 

    Freedom isn't free but it only cost a $1.05

  6. 1 hour ago, abovetheearth said:

    i would say im not angry at trump for beating a loophole. more angry at the fact that he's a hypocrite on his most basic argument of being a champion of the working people.

    Exploitation of tax loopholes may not be illegal but they are often immoral. The question is if he has avoided paying tax for decades- does he have the moral character to lead the country, even if you think he has the business smarts.

    It wasn't exploitation and it wasn't a loophole. It's amazing how you can spin a story based on 3 pages of a thousand plus page tax return. Her people are foaming at the mouths trying to make him look bad for this. His people are calling him a genius. It's amazing.  The truth is, especially in real estate, you have periods of loss and periods of gain. That's why you look at several years of financial statements when making decisions, not a tiny fraction of one. 

    If I invest a million dollars of my own money to open a record store, and it fails, the government will cover my ass by allowing me to not pay income taxes for a few years. The amount of years is determined by how much I lost. It's a good practice. You can even apply this to personal losses in the stock market. Good to know right? We can thank Trump for helping us learn something valuable about finances today. 


    You raise a really good point about his morality and ethics.  There has been an interest in a business type running for President in almost every election cycle. The guy is his own worst enemy. He has trouble forming his thoughts into clear and coherent sentences plus he has no filter. The people running the RNC must be shitting their pants every time he opens his mouth. 

    Does Clinton have the moral character to lead the Country? It always comes down to the lesser of two evils. This election is no different in that way. 

  7. The reason the tax code allows people who lose money in investments to pay less income tax is to entice people to make investments in the first place. The government wants people investing their money in the economy, especially rich people. Trump was building hotels and casinos. Things that funneled huge amounts of cash into the local economies. No doubt he and his Corp paid less in taxes for this reason alone. It's the same reason NFL stadiums are built with taxpayer money. Bringing NFL games and other events to a city is supposed to drive up crazy amounts of tax revenue around the stadium and bring in thousands of new jobs. That's the argument at least. 

    It doesn't make sense to get angry at Donald Trump for losing a billion dollars of his own money in investments that were meant to drive the economy and create jobs. These kinds of acts should be encouraged, not discouraged. 

  8. 50 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


    This Supreme Court case ruling applies to this situation, and states that it would not be illegal for the NY Times to publish documents it obtained if it was not involved in the illegal act of getting them.  So whatever accountant/firm mailed in the documents was the party committing the crime, not the NY Times,  and the NY Times is allowed to print and report on the documents as protected by the 1st Amendment.

    This does not apply to tax returns as they are protected differently than illegally obtained phone conversations.  Let's assume the NYT tries to cite this case anyway. Are the contents of Donald Trump's taxes a matter of public concern? That is highly debatable. They'll need to prove by releasing his taxes against his will, there was a significant benefit to the public that outweighed Trump's privacy.  That may sound easy, but they will need to provide actual facts and hard evidence not speculation. 

    This https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/7213 plainly states it is a felony for any person to publish someones tax returns in any manner without their consent. 

    NYT isn't denying that it was illegal. Someone from the paper said a week ago they would risk jail time to publish his tax returns. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

    they didnt illegally obtain anything.  someone mailed the tax forms to them, they reported on what they received, that is not illegal.

    Publishing someone's personal taxes without their consent is very much illegal. They did it to sell papers not to be heroes. The NYT gets tens of millions in tax breaks and has even gotten millions back in refunds. They are just placing their bet on Clinton. 

    4 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

    they didnt illegally obtain anything.  someone mailed the tax forms to them, they reported on what they received, that is not illegal.

    Publishing someone's personal taxes without their consent is very much illegal. They did it to sell papers not to be heroes. The NYT gets tens of millions in tax breaks and has even gotten millions back in refunds. They are just placing their bet on Clinton. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

    its not hypocritical because the NY Times is not running for president, and is not hiding their tax returns/filings, or their ties to foreign entities.  

    It would be more hypocritical if the CEO or the officers in charge of the paper didn't pay personal income tax. It's a bit different but overall the same. They took advantage of tax laws to not pay income taxes. Trump did the same thing.

    NYT however illegally obtained his taxes and illegally published them. Nothing wrong with that though right? 

  11. It's not really exploiting anything. Look at what happened. Trump claimed a nearly 1 billion dollar loss in 95. Under the tax law, anyone who lost that much money was exempt from paying income taxes for a certain amount of years. Why on Earth would you not take advantage of that? You would have to be a complete idiot. Do the Clinton's pay more in income taxes than they are legally required? Does anyone? I don't think so, so why should Donald Trump? 


    A lot of people may not remember but the Clinton's tried their hand in real estate once. It was called the Whitewater Development Corp and it was an epic disaster. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Bladewillisisdead said:

    You think taxation is theft and criminals who don't pay their taxes are smart. Youre acting like the politicians who destroyed the middle class didn't do so for the benefit of corporations and billionaires fucking paying them to do it. 


    All of this is wrong.


    Are you under the impression that rich corporations and billionaires are working with politicians to systematically destroy the middle class of America? I swear I am trying to have a constructive argument here because I think a lot of people think this. 

    Rich corporations and billionaires infect politicians through lobbying efforts, which are protected under free speech. You are well within your right to organize an effort to influence and sway legislature to your liking. There are many well known philanthropists who give out large sums of cash to influence legislature in America and abroad. Don't let the opposition outwork you and outsmart you. 

    I can't really defend banks, especially national banks. They are too big to operate properly with the right amount of oversight. Don't rely on the government to save you. Have you ever heard that This American Life episode with Federal Reserve agent? They are cowering in fear of big bad Wall Street. It's like sending in a kitten to attack a wolf. Vote with your money. Don't do business with the types of banks that commit egregious fraud on their own customers or launder money for terrorists. Invest your money elsewhere or you may be forever stuck in a cycle of debt. That is their business model.  

    The point is rich people didn't team up with politicians to destroy middle America. Middle America took a beating mostly because of economic trends and competition with cheap manufacturing. Middle America is still here, always has been, working harder than ever despite the odds to support their families and send their children to college. They aren't deplorable, or super predators or people who still live in their parent's basement. American's kick ass.


  13. Do people really think that things like roads, schools, and security can only be provided by our all powerful and all knowing federal government? It's not true. Federal income tax hasn't been around forever, only the last 100 or so years. It is not required for you to have good schools or safe roads. That is a myth. The power of the federal government and the 1% is a myth. You, the people, have the real power. Don't ever forget it. 


  14. 1 hour ago, Bladewillisisdead said:

    You think taxation is theft and criminals who don't pay their taxes are smart. Youre acting like the politicians who destroyed the middle class didn't do so for the benefit of corporations and billionaires fucking paying them to do it. 


    All of this is wrong.

    You think taxation is theft and criminals who don't pay their taxes are smart. Youre acting like the politicians who destroyed the middle class didn't do so for the benefit of corporations and billionaires fucking paying them to do it. 


    All of this is wrong.

    I didn't say anything about criminals not paying taxes. For real? You can legally get out of paying taxes. 

    Politicians didn't destroy the middle class. Don't give them that much credit for doing anything. Manufacturing jobs left the county for cheap labor overseas and our economy shifted and became heavily reliant on providing services rather than producing goods. The middle class was totally dependent on manufacturing jobs and other types of skilled labor that actually paid livable wages. Now the middle class is forced to work shit jobs for shit pay which in turn negatively impacts lower income people. All the while paying 40 percent of their paycheck to federal fuck me in the ass taxes. 

  15. 13 hours ago, Bladewillisisdead said:

    Here's the thing...I know and agree with that. But the bad is overwhelming. The bad is what influences the masses and in turn can affect government. If every Christian was like "We need to help each other out. We need to help provide for the sick and the poor. Corporations and banks are evil and not out for the greater good" that would be dope. That's not the way it is. The "church" has been corrupted as a whole for centuries. The right has been exploiting the "Christain conservative base" for as long as I've been aware of the world. 


    I disagree with all organized religions on a very fundamental level, but I support people's right to their religious faith. It's just that faith has been exploited and the church should have zero influence on anything outside of the literal church.

    Bro, religious people are the overwhelmingly nice and more often than not, are the very people who go out of their way to "help each other out". All banks and corporations are not evil either. That is ridiculous. You are lumping together things you don't like/understand and blaming them for what you see is all of the world's problems. Not cool. 

  16. Taxation is totally theft. You are smart not to pay them. A lot of rich people don't pay taxes and a lot of poor people don't pay taxes. It's mostly the middle class that picks up the slack. It's not fair but that is the system that has been set up. Set up by the government, mind you. Tax breaks for businesses and corporations would actually do really good. I'm not talking about huge fortune 500 companies that don't pay any taxes to begin with, but small and medium sized companies of which there are many. These are the people that provide the high paying jobs everyone is wanting. 

    What does the government spend your tax dollars on? Do you really think that the government should be running hospitals and healthcare? That is a joke. Look at the VA. Private schools already exist and are so much better than public schools. If you want more hard evidence look no further than the USPS. That is something we all should agree is awful. The USPS is totally unique in that it is a government run business that is supposed to get funding through revenue, just like any other typical business. The USPS, however, is subject to strict government regulations and oversight. Therefore it should be no surprise that it has the worst and least reliable service and loses hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Do you feel good that your hard earned money goes to fund that money losing behemoth?

    Don't trust the government and don't trust the media. The media is supposed to be a thorn in the side of politicians. Instead, they are buddies who craft interviews, messages, and can easily shift public opinion. Have you ever heard the saying, if you say something enough times eventually it will become true? Beware. I'm super cereal. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, daegor said:

    I've fired people for forwarding their work email through their personal email.


    If the email server is not internal it's not secure, period.


    Illegal?  Not inherently, it depends on what contracts you've signed and what your employer decides to do about the infraction.  But I wouldn't want someone so careless in my employ, let alone running a country.

    Most people would have been fired, fined and banned from ever holding a government position ever again. She is not most people. She is Hillary Clinton. Her husband is Bill Clinton. They have tremendous power in politics. If you go against them and lose, your career is finished. 

  18. She wasn't trading government secrets to other countries. She wasn't sharing classified information with other governments. She wasn't doing what she did with the intent of harming the US. That's how they are justifying letting her go. 

    She did it so she could keep total control of her emails. Possibly there are more sinister reasons but its really just speculation. It's smart if you want to be a private and secretive person. Apparently this is not illegal, even for a high ranking government employee. 

    Sorry, it's not illegal as long as you maintain ignorance the entire time. 


  19. Be more involved with local politics. Vote for your representatives. Vote for your Senators. It's just as important if not more important then the presidential election. These are the people who really run the country and most of them have their own interests and the interests of their donors in mind. People have the power to decide but the vast majority elect to give it away. It's a shame. 


    People who back Bernie Sanders have to understand what he means by a political revolution. He knows he couldn't do a fraction of what he proposes without a Congress that agrees with him. You will have to elect those people too. I'm really saddened to see people not turning that big movement into votes while Trump is succeeding in just that. He's getting republicans moderates, independents and even some so called democrats to come out and vote for him in record numbers. It's madness. 


    I think it's silly to say you would leave the country. Republicans hate Obama more than anyone in the world hates Donald Trump. Listen to conservatives and republicans talk. They hate that man with a serious passion. They absolutely believe he is purposefully destroying the America that they cherish and handing it over to Muslim extremists. They know this just as sure as the sky is blue yet they don't leave the country. Complain? yes. Live to fight another day. Except in their case Donald Trump rose from the ashes and they are fucked. 


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