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Everything posted by lokithelion

  1. What would be ideal? I know nothing about ads or ad placement and I'm really open minded.
  2. This release is good enough I'd pay for it. Hope it sees a vinyl release if only for the William Elliot Whitmore song. http://www.the1stfive.com/news/free-music-germs-of-perfection-a-tribute-to-bad-religion
  3. If someone wants to post an ad that's a different size than I've got up just contact me. I'm okay in Photoshop so I can make you a to size image, but I can't do anything animated because I'm not that good. Thanks monk. I'm really curious how well this will work out. Hopefully well enough to cover our costs someday and to buy Patrick and Juan beer.
  4. For droid x users who love swype like I do, this tip was a big time saver. First one if it doesn't take you direct. http://lifehacker.com/5653117/from-the-tips-box-swype-shortcuts-po-boxes-and-the-windows-7-system-tray/gallery/
  5. If you email me so I can look out for it that's much better than just blind sending it. Or include a note in the package.
  6. Droid X is the way to go. Yeah, it's a little long, but it's so thin you don't notice it in your pocket really. Also the dropbox app has changed my life. I type out all my notes for jokes I've been working on and upload it to the dropbox on my computer and whenever I'm out or stuck in a meeting I can pull the documents up on my phone without having to sync it to a computer. Thanks science! Also the gps is baller.
  7. Yes, this is probably spam if you don't run a label. If you feel like it is report it to Benchwarmer in the interest of being fair since Juan writes for us sometimes. I got sick of google ads always giving us shit like lenscrafters on the 1st Five so I'm trying a program called Project Wonderful. I heard about it through the webcomic Something Positive, as it's the ad service they use. The way it works is people place bids on how much they are willing to pay per day to advertise on your site. They are only responsible to pay for the time that their bid is the highest one. For example, currently we have two ad boxes. One is a 300x250 and the other is 160x600. The 300x250 is currently being bid on at 6 cents a day, while the 160x600 one is at 3 cents a day. As long as no one bids higher than them those people will only pay 6 cents a day to advertise on the site. Even if you're a tiny tiny tiny label that's pretty damn cheap. The most expensive ad will only make 1.80 a month. As time goes on we will, hopefully, get bigger bids. But right now? It's stupid cheap to advertise on The 1st Five. Here is more info, hope some people will consider it. http://www.projectwonderful.com/abouttheinfiniteauction.php If you end up wanting to try it out you can find us by going to https://www.projectwonderful.com/adsearch.php and searching www.the1stfive.com under site description.
  8. you make really good points in that article, it's very well written an pointed observation. That dude should read it because way too often is his head in the clouds when he's wrapped up in the la-la land of his own celebrity, the guy needs an open handed slap in the face, and that slap is reality. If there is one thing I wish I had done better it's pointing out that I'm a massive fan of the man's music, I just wish he was as forward thinking in promotion as he was production.
  9. Funnily enough, I got three copies, none of which I've bothered to listen to. Send me one I'll review it for Alt Press.
  10. I just RT'd this @ kanye west. Ha! That's awesome sir. Thank you.
  11. Wrote this this morning. Insanely stoked on his new album is G.O.O.D. Friday is what he's giving away but the album art stuff inspired me to write this. He'll never read it, but if you like it share the link. http://www.the1stfive.com/features/an-open-letter-to-kanye-west-about-his-album-art-and-walmart
  12. Guy could write amazing poetry off the top of his head. Profoundly sad loss for hip hop.
  13. would sharing it with friends count as releasing it publicaly? are you sharing with your "friend" on a platform like Youtube where you're really sharing with half a billion people?
  14. if the issue is material being stolen, why even perform the unfinished material live? who is to say there isn't someone in the crowd prepared to steal it? maybe this isn't the same as a demo being leaked but what about a live bootlegged recording of a band? plently of "fans" collect live bootlegs, are they asshole as well? Are they publicly releasing those bootlegs over a year before the material is going to be further developed into an album?
  15. You know nothing about the world of stand up comedy. This is exactly like unfinished demos leaking. Just because you should expect to get screwed by your "fans" doesn't make it right.
  16. He called one guy an asshole. If you unfollow someone because they're angry about the way their art is being presented you're being a douchebag. As for if I'd do it, I have probably 119 followers on Twitter for The 1st Five, (twitter.com/the1stfive follow us for music news), but when I lost followers for making a joke about people who think Obama was born in Africa I mentioned it and said I was happy with it. Didn't call them douchebags because they were really just whiny children, but if someone leaked the demos to my new record I probably would be pissed at the defenders.
  17. I'm curious, has anyone else ever tried stand up? It's fucking brutal. And it's an art form where you have nowhere to hid. No music or other members, just you and a microphone. To the people saying he acts like a baby when people are rude, try it sometime. Try to standing on stage and pouring your heart out for five minutes, let alone an hour, trying to say something important to you while making people laugh. If you're talking on your cell phone during a stand up's set you're an asshole. Go outside, you truly are disrupting the show. Is it really that hard? But then the comic become the baby when he loses his temper at the people who are disrespecting him during his time? Christ go on Youtube and see what a real comedian meltdown looks like before you make fun of Patton. At least he's never struck an audience member, instead choosing to make fun of them. Also watch the movie Heckler. It's a documentary by Jamie Kennedy about the antagonistic relationship between audiences and comics.
  18. The difference between hearing a joke for the 5th time and hearing a song for the 5th time is as big as an ocean. More importantly these are jokes that are still in progress, this is akin to bands who get pissed when their demos leak. Just because it's 2010 and everyone has a camera doesn't make it right or okay for those people to upload low quality work in progress versions of his material. Comedy is built by performance. A performer should have the right to decide how their work is released, and the bits he's been doing on this tour have changed dramatically from the 1st show to the last show. Since the record in question probably wont be coming out until 2011 in the Fall having those jokes in their fetal form on the internet for a year, well before they're finished, is a disincentive to buy his album. There is literally no other art form that develops like stand up does. You wouldn't like it if someone ruined your joke. This has nothing to do with "living in the modern world", it's about someone stepping on your punchline by giving it away to thousands of people before you have a chance to tell it the way you want. Performing these jokes live is how they develop, based on audience reactions and things that come out of your head in the spontaneous moment. It will be a truly sad day for comedy when comics can't work on new material on the road without some asshole putting it on youtube before it has a chance to develop fully. A clip from a movie is different because the studio releases it, and any spy footage doesn't include big chunks of dialog. When a comic goes on a talk show to promote an album they're using finished material, a lot of the time however it's finished material that isn't actually on the album they're promoting. Dude has every right to be mad, most of all about the self righteous uploader not taking the video down when contacted because he "thought it was a fake".

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