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Everything posted by lokithelion

  1. Flicker: #imbored baiting the trap. @DaveHolmes would have bought the 8th St Kids a juice stand, thus setting them up for life. #greatestvjofalltime #realamericanheroes
  2. This makes me so happy. Me: I refused to believe there is a @realjessecamp I mean, yeah he exists, but ever since he left the 8th street kids dude is a phony. A PHONY. about 1 hour ago via web Me: Just kidding. I don't want the one successful Twitter beef I start to be with @realjessecamp 44 minutes ago via web RealJesseCamp: @the1stfive who the fuck r u some piece of shit asswhole who the fuck cares who u are asshole Me: @RealJesseCamp Shit it worked. Still I wouldn't have left the 8th Street Kids in a bind. Me: @RealJesseCamp Dave wouldn't have left the 8th St Kids in a bind either. #90striviawithoutasenseofhumor #whysoserious #birthdaycake I can't wait to see if he responds back. Twitter late at night is so much fun. Also I want to bring Dave in on this.
  3. Yes yes yes. Got a promo DVD of Bird on a Wire the other day, felt as giddy as when I a girl said she'd go to prom with me.
  4. Prepare yourself for something astoundingly inconsequential. Sadly, yeah prob.
  5. Well said Travis. People forget that indie doesn't mean good. Epitaph might put out some shitty mall rock but they do it in a non-corporate way. And they use the Mall money on Nick Cave. Which is awesome.
  6. He also directed Robocop 2. It's like my childhood is dying with this ad Leslie Nelson. http://www.the1stfive.com/news/rip-irvin-kershner-director-of-empire-strikes-back-and-robocop-2-passed-away-at-87
  7. Do you believe in objectivity to the degree that you do not point out obvious lies? Also Olbermann is a form of journalist, the same way the folks at Daily Kos are journalists. Opinion journalism isn't new. Outrage should be saved for the supposed hard journalist who can't be bothered to show up for work and ask hard questions in interviews. No one who watches Olbermann thinks they're seeing unbiased news, they're seeing liberal opinion and they know it. The difference is Fox doesn't have that distinction between their news news and their evening opinion coverage.
  8. Newsbusters? WorldNetDaily didn't have what you were looking for? Lets see about the first three listed. "In October 2004, the MSNBC host used selectively edited clips of Vice President Cheney to make it appear Cheney had argued that Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attacks as a justification for the Iraq invasion." Cheney did argue that Iraq was involved in 9/11. He made the connection many times. In front of cameras. This has been a right wing talking point for awhile now, that we never invaded Iraq because of 9/11. "In 2005, Olbermann accused FNC's John Gibson and talk radio host Janet Parshall of sounding like terrorists from "an al-Qaeda show" as Olbermann distorted Gibson's remarks about the American tradition of majority religions tolerating minority religions. The MSNBC host cited the far left Media Matters for America as a source for the transcript and audio of the radio interview. Olbermann: "The Web site Media Matters for America has a transcript and an audio link, and I'm afraid there's no ambiguity whatsoever." - Man he's really out of line here. I remember when Gibson said that. He was making the point that as a Christian nation other religions are only here because we tolerate them. Olbermann was making a point about people who attack Islam for being a religion that wants to take over the world while having similar religious supremacy ideals. While the right likes to make hay of media matters lying, if he played their source he was playing exactly what Gibson said. Again, he's not out of line. On Jay Leno's show in 2006, Olbermann accused FNC host Bill O'Reilly of defending the Nazis from World War II because of O'Reilly's mixup of the events of the Malmedy massacre. Olbermann: "On the air in the last year, Bill O'Reilly has defended the Nazis from World War II on three separate occasions. ... Yes, I wish I were making this up." Further explanation can be found here. - Olbermann made this comment not after O'Reilly made the comments about the massacre, but after he doubled down on them when his mistake was pointed out to him. O'Reilly refused to admit that he had made a mistake, and did smear the dead by doing so. He's spun it a lot since then but it's hard to deny things you say on camera. Olbermann comes across as an asshole here, but he's not lying. That's my point. I'm not making Olbermann out to be a hero but he's entertaining and it's nice to hear a loud liberal voice every now and then with the utter sellout that Obama has been. The people he hate him and Maddow the most are the people who have never actually spent any amount of time watching either side of the equation. I spend a lot of time driving around listening to talk radio in my car while I work. No one who actually listened to a full show of Sean Hannity could ever say with a straight face that the two are anything alike.
  9. Also I take offense at the idea that journalism is about absolute objectivity. It isn't. It's about being objective to THE FACTS. This is the reason I can't watch CNN or MSNBC's daytime shit, other than no longer having cable. Being objective doesn't mean if you have a guest on who says "the moon is made of rock" that you have to bring on someone who says "The moon is made of cheese." Yet instead of simply fact checking the people they're talking to they let them say whatever crazy bullshit they want and never follow up on it. When you have a 24 hour news network there is no reason not to have fact checking be a part of the programing. Shit they could hire people to do it live, and have a scroll bar on the bottom that says "the congressman is lying right now." We have the technology, we just choose not to do it because being objective means not calling people on their lies. A real journalist should be open about their own biases and weaknesses, but able to look past them. It's one of the reasons I like Ezra Klein and Nate Silver so much. To me the false notion that objectivity means not calling people on their lies is infinitely more dangerous than talking heads with obvious perspectives a child could notice.
  10. Yeah, and I agree on that part. That's not what they're selling the piece on though. Also I'm insanely frustrated by the false equivalence between liars like Hannity, Beck, and the like and Olbermann and Maddow. Saying Maddow and Olbermann don't lie is ridiculous and so is comparing either of them to Murrow. Every one of these talking heads spins the news to favor their agenda and help their show gain more viewers in the chosen demographic. I don't remember either of them going overseas to cover wars or ever doing any actual journalism. Rachel Maddow got her job by entering a contest and Olbermann did sports. Maddow has gone to Iraq and did a week of shows reporting from their. She went actively to the gulf to talk to the people effected by the oil spill who weren't getting covered on the news anywhere else. I won't disagree with you that both Olbermann and Maddow present the facts from their point of view, their shows are opinion based talking head shows it's what they do. However that isn't the same thing as lying. Lying is when you say things are in bills that aren't. Lying is when you repeat the death panel bullshit. Lying is when you say taxes have gone up on all Americans since Obama has entered office when he's signed into the law tax cuts for 95% of the population. Seriously, show me where they've been caught in a lie? Or even a mistake where they didn't correct it themselves? Maddow has gotten things wrong before and almost always corrects herself the next night on her show. This happened a week or two back when she was talking about someone who worked on Joe Miller in Alaska's campaign. I might have the politician wrong but it's been a minute and I don't have it in front of me. Comparing them to Murrow isn't ridiculous. Murrow made incredibly unpopular political stands based on his own opinions. While Olbermann isn't as good as he was when he started doing commentary on his show during the Bush administration is was an extremely controversial and politically dangerous thing for a liberal to act like it while hosting a TV show at that time. And he's been subject to the kind of fact checking and obsessive following by right wing loonatics that it would be an actual news story if he was caught lying. Unlike the Fox hosts who lie every night and get a pat on the back. I didn't say he was as good as Murrow or even on the same level as Murrow, but he is part of a small handful of commentators right now who say unpopular things and get called liars for it without anyone ever feeling the need to give examples. I get why people do it, we can't just be honest and acknowledge the conservative movement has created their own media machine outside of the mainstream press, who is by and large center right in the way they cover things. This media has created an environment where truth doesn't matter as long as everyone in that segment of the population agrees on what the "real truth" is. But if Koppel said "I don't like the opinion based nature of MSNBC's evening commentary shows but at least they don't lie, and at least MSNBC's day time coverage doesn't overlap into opinion and lies like FOX does" while he'd be telling the truth he'd be smacked as part of the liberal media. So he does what always happens in media commentary. Instead of saying "these hosts might be assholes but at least they use facts and correct themselves when they get it wrong" people pretend both sides are doing the exact same thing. I spent sometime looking up Olbermann's lies, and Olbermann lies and was only able to find times where he said something happened 24 hours after an event and it was really 48 hours after an event and another where people thought it was unfair that he said their event was racist. If you find a good example of him lying, not just being a jerk in his delivery, please provide it.
  11. Anyone know where I can get a deal on a Macbook?
  12. He address that in the piece as the exact time they were put under the most pressure to cut real journalism (due to expenses) and focus, instead, on local issues and talking points. I'm not saying Ted Koppel is perfect but I hold him in much higher regard than probably any current pundit or news anchor. Saying "my bad" doesn't make up for it. Also I think it's disingenuous of him to make this about talking head commentary shows (which have a combined viewership of maybe 25 million) and not the total destruction of news media as we know it. Corporations that own the media are a bigger threat than Beck or Olbermann. And yeah while Olbermann is a blowhard there is one major thing that makes him and Maddow different from Fox. They don't lie. It might be opinion, but they do not repeat lies every night unlike Fox. It isn't pure traditional journalism but it's closer to Edward R. Murrow than anything else today. I know it's the it thing to say "both sides do it" but at lest the left's talking head opinion shows don't lie. Telling the truth like an asshole doesn't make it any less the truth. The thing that killed the news industry was their unwillingness to fight back against the bullshit "liberal media" claim. Instead they became so middle of the road and neutered that they refused to call out lies and bullshit when they saw it. There is no justification for reporting Sarah Palin's death panels comment without following it up with "However there are no death panels in the bill and the portion she is talking about is a republican addition to encourage family's to make wills in advance." A news media that doesn't stand up for itself when lies are spread about it while simultaneously giving blind cover to the people lying in the name of "objectivity" is the problem.
  13. This would mean something to me if Ted had done the job of a journalist during the first 8 years of the decade.
  14. I like Four Loko like an adult, I drink one. Banning this because college kids are stupid is a slippery slope. They're entering adulthood. This shit is nowhere near the worst thing they could do. I propose personal responsibility.
  15. Guess I need to go back and revisit New Again, I remember it sounding a lot more radio rock than this.
  16. Song is on Soundcloud but we've got the embedded player on the site. It's good. Sounds a lot like the second record and no Nolin singing that I noticed but it's a step up from New Again. http://www.the1stfive.com/news/stream-the-first-new-song-from-the-original-line-up-of-taking-back-sunday-right-here
  17. I think I'm the only person who really got obsessed with Common Existence.
  18. it's possible. (considering what he later does to rick; possible retribution) but in the comics, he tricked everyone into thinking he was a genuinely nice guy to get people to follow him, whereas i don't think merle could be bothered with the nice guy routine. who knows where this show is going, though. and is anyone else concerned at the addition of all these random extra characters, but the apparent lack of donna, alan and the twins? the twins kind of play a pivotal role later on in the series. Really hope they don't do that cause I love the surprise reveal with the Gov. Agreed that the changes are kinda dumb, if only because the first six issues of story are so unfuckwitable.
  19. Both my guyos are drink really loudly. Like hear them across the apt in another room loud. Of course one of them also lays down whenever she drinks, but I think that's because she's lazy as hell. Or retarded. When she's happy she head butts the floor. God I love my retardo cat.
  20. Kind of hope Steel Train drops off and River City stays on.

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