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Everything posted by codeine

  1. I didn't quit cold turkey and I've been quit 4 years and 3 months (not that I actually count the months anymore, just years now) Cold turkey is going to make you feel like shit by shocking your body and turn you into an irritable bitch. (for the first while, anyway) Cold turkey is basically like trying to kick heroin cold turkey, if you attempt it you should steer clear of anyone who smokes, does anything that 'triggers' your want of a cigarette, or tends to irritate you. Triggers can include many things, I"ll give some examples, soda pop, if you drink pop a lot of people like to have a smoke with/before/after a can of cola. They are both unhealthy lifestyle choices so you are definitely going to want to drink lots and lots of water, I prefer cold. Another similar trigger would be beer/drinking, probably should be avoided, or you should at the very least have your defenses up and know you're more likely to slip. Smoking a cig after getting high, lots of people like to do this (if this is you I would suggest having joints of good quality bud rolled up, instead of smoking a cig after your bong hit, smoke a joint, you're gonna be blasted a lot, but anything to quit that filthy habit, right? If you can afford it I would put serious thought into getting a Volcano vaporizer, as its healthier and its not smoke, so might be less of a trigger. Don't even bother with lesser vapes, like the whip-style ones, etc. they are garbage, they barely do anything and will only make you want to have an actual toke/smoke more.) Another trigger is waitiing for the bus, it could be the city bus, or if you are travelling, this is a hard one, you're going to have to deal with boredom without the crutch. I would suggest limiting where you can smoke. Do not smoke indoors, never smoke around children/animals/non-smokers, maybe clean your car out and don't smoke in there. Go for a cig walk or something... I think you get the gist about 'triggers'... What I did, was I slowly inverted the time I spent smoking vs. not smoking. So for example a smoker will wake up and have their morning cig, and then throughout the day before and after certain activities until night time when you chill, have your last one and call it a night. Before any of this I would start throwing my cigs away early, never finishing a full cig, just tired of them, had enough, started to loathe it and loathing smoking is key to quitting for good. First I would wake up and forego the morning cigarette, do other things, make sure I had done what I wanted and then rewarded with a mid day cig. At this point I would take note of the time (hours) between cigs and how many I smoked a day, keeping track or progress is VERY important, that way, when you start to slide, you are on your own ass about it right away... once you feel that pang of failure/regret you have to take it in stride and promise yourself you will do better next time and not just say 'fuck it'. Okay so eventually I would be down to 1-2 cigs a day, this is KEY... once you get to this stage the next stage is very important, I call it this the 'flip' this is where you reverse your days. Getting to this point is tough and can take weeks/months but once you are here, keep at it, you are well on your way, maybe people find it very tough to even get to this stage so if you cut down to 1-2 a day give yourself a pat on the back, but its not over so keep at it. So at this point you are going all day until night time and only having 1 cig basically so you don't toss and turn all night like a junkie who needs his fix, but now you need to take the plunge, you have to go 1 full day without smoking. 0 cigarettes, don't worry the next day you can have 1 (but I would throw it away early, it is only going to make you feel like shit.) So now, out of 1 week you've smoked 6/7 days, each of the days you smoked only 1 cig, now you have to slowly invert the amount of smoking vs non smoking days, progress might be slow, but keep at it, try and go 2 days without, then 3, then 4, once you hit about 4 days in a row 2 important things will happen #1 ) out of 1 week you're smoking days are now in the minority, this is very important, once you get under 50% of you days with cigarettes, you have 'flipped' you are now on your way to being a non smoker and by now you should be thinking of yourself as a non-smoker, tell yourself how much you want to be a non-smoker. #2 ) This is an observation I have made many times and have confirmed with others... once you go about 4 days without a cigarette, they will feel different to you... if you get to a point where you hold a cig in your fingers and it doesn't feel the same size as it used to you are pretty much there now, so DO NOT GO BACK from this point. It's actually really trippy but it's an indication the physical addiction has less of a grip on you, the cigarette should feel odd in your fingers, like its too big, or too small, it feels very strange, if you feel this: DO NOT LIGHT UP! you will be in severe danger of relapsing if you do. Also at this point smoking is really going to make you feel like shit because you are also on the cusp of starting to cough that shit up... (Regarding coughing shit up, take warm showers and let the shower head hit your back, this helps to break the shit in your lungs up making it easier to get over that garbage in your lungs, also if you have access to a sauna and/or steam use those, they are amazing) Okay so at this point what you need to do is set personal records and break them... go 1 full week without smoking... it would be a bad idea to buy a pack, hopefully you have a friend you knows what you are trying to do and would be willing to help you buy giving you 1 cig and refusing you more, so tell your friends about your progress, make sure it is a good friend, not someone who will be jealous of your progress and want to see you fail. so after one week, try to keep your record going but if you fail, only have 1, realize your failure and then quit again... if you bought a pack throw them away or give them away to friends who smoke. now you have to go 2 weeks, repeat this process, don't have 1 unless you cave in, and if you do, get back on the horse ASAP... if you are feeling good just keep going, do this till you've done full runs of 2, 3 weeks without smoking until you've done 1 month, 5 weeks, 6, weeks, 7 weeks, 2 months, 3 months. Once your at this point you are a fucking beast of willpower but there is always the risk of relapsing, even after a few months, for some people even after years... don't let anyone talk you into having just 1, their motivations might only be subconscious, but they want to see you fail and be back at square 1 so they are at the level you are at. Very few people have the willpower to get to this level and those people want to see you fail, let them fuck their own health, but not yours, you're doing great. So when your in the days/weeks/months, you will be counting days/weeks/months til eventually, hopefully you hit 6 months without, you're a BEAST, once you hit a year, you might still be counting in months, when you get to 1.5, 2 years, you'll be counting every 3-6 months, take note of your progress and keep it up! Eventually you stop counting all the time, I usually take note once a year and remind myself how long its been. I would say that once I got to 3 years I was only counting yearly. Also, I quit on Jan 1st, 2009 so it's easy for me to remember and track my progress. Take note of the date where you finally kicked it for good. I didn't smoke for prob 2 months before that day and on new years had one last cig, it was mostly symbolic by that time I had already done the flip and quit and faltered many times until the point where I was in control. Doing your final quit on a certain day can help, a holiday, or anniversary, its something to think about if you ever have a weak spot and want to go back, just remind yourself you'll be back at square 1 and you don't want to do that to yourself after how far you've come. Water is very important, sleep is important, if you smoke weed I would say smoke/vaporize more weed, if you drink I would say avoid drinking, I would say avoid crowds/social situations that will tempt you, where you will be smelling 2nd hand, buy yourself records to reward yourself (say you smoked a pack a day thats $10/day if you go a full 2 days without, buy yourself a $20 record. Make sure to stay fed, on days where you are kicking it off fresh have a nice meal to start the day off, and health in general is important, this is the first step toward living a healthier lifestyle so you should probably avoid pop/junk food/fast food and maybe eventually get into working out or running, take up some kind of activity at the very least. Alright I know its long, but this one is for the people who really do want to quit and just need a few good tips from someone who has done it, I hope this helps, I quit 4 years, 3 months and 11 days ago, once 2014 hits it'll be a full 5 years, which is awesome I'm looking forward to it and I will never go back. (And for the record, I loathe when people smoke around me or around children/animals/nonsmokers, I think it is one of the most disrespectful things you can do, if you know that I quit why would you blow smoke in my face? I went through so much to get that shit out of my body and people just wave it around, just shows how weak-minded those individuals are. Oh yeah, it even grosses me out when people's clothes/hands stink like smoke and they don't wash.) One last point! I almost forgot but I actually did this and it helped immensely... you know how you have a smoke and then you're chillin' and you have the cig breath and you can smell it on the tips of your fingers, yeah watch out for that... what I did was after every cigarette I would brush my teeth thoroughly and wash my hands thoroughly to get rid of the smell. Especially if you are only having 1 a day, have your smoke and then wash your hands and brush your teeth after.
  2. I kicked the habit over 4 years ago. I could probably write pages upon pages about the whole process.
  3. Hahaha, or how about: "yeah. thanks, but they're not real... I draw them on with marker every day before work, takes me a couple hours so I gotta get up extra early."
  4. I'm pretty burnt out on chicks with tattoos. Probably because I once dated a chick who was mad-tatted and turned out to be a total headcase/sketchbag. That was a while ago now, but I still kinda find tattoos to be a turn-off. Not always, but more often that not. It really depends, but it seems like they've become so trendy that most of the time I would actually prefer if they have none at all. Last time I heard from her was the most non-sensical shit: After years of being (happily for me) out-of-sight, out-of-mind she starts texting and messaging me off the hook saying shit like 'I believe we have some issues we need to discuss.' So I was like 'what in the fuck could this possibly be about?' She had me scared out of my wits over nothing... so it turns out that she's cyberstalking an ex-roommate of mine (who, by the way, is a total womanizer and charlatan) and they've been chatting each other up on fb, and he totally is getting off on it, even though she had a bf, and he has a gf. She started spouting some insane shit via text, basically they were both talking about me to one other, but she wouldn't give any actual details about the conversation that transpired. So she's basically lashing out at me cause she's trying to snake him up and he said something that got her real riled up. Lord knows what, this same dude claims that he wrote songs for Saves the Day and joined the 'mile-high club' with Katie Holmes, dude is a compulsive liar, I dunno how he says this shit w/ a straight face. He is well-known amongst friends for being a delusional egomaniac. So I basically said 'one: you are both in relationships, and two: what does any of this have to do with me?' It was mental, out of nowhere, put me in a bad mood. A stark reminder of why I broke up with her. Ok, a weird aside... that ex-roommate of mine dated a Suicide Girl while we were living together. It didn't end well, turned out she was banging his best buddy/business partner. Oof.
  5. I still have mine up for sale, it's unsealed, but otherwise perfect condition. I'm working on compiling a full trade list in the interest of being able to combine shipping for USA people, should be ready any day now.
  6. Yes! I do pepperoni, pineapple and jalapenos... maybe extra cheese.
  7. This popped up today: http://bubblesandgutz.tumblr.com/post/47707409160/artistsagainstpiracy-vs-artistsforpiracy Article by Brian Cook (bassist of Botch, These Arms Are Snakes, Russian Circles)
  8. All-bacon-diet? That's a lot of nitrates, I would be careful. You're going to get clogged arteries, or at the very least, the gout. You should use the bacon grease to condition your beard and see how that goes.
  9. Dogs bark at stuff, that's what they do, they bark when they hear the wind, some bark at their own shadow. They are warning you that something is around. What that 'something' is could be nothing serious at all. I would wager that there is no ghost, but the more you believe there is one the more things you will notice and convince yourself something is up. Your dog might be picking up on something I doubt it's a ghost. Their senses are more acute than ours. You could even be giving off weird vibes and he is picking up on that. I once moved into a house, when I first moved in, it was just me and then then the other 2 guys moved in 1 month later. I lived in the house completely alone for a month, completely empty. I also showered in cold water every day for a month cause we had no hot water, and also no fridge and no stove. Other than a lack of amenities, I never noticed anything out of the ordinary... fast forward about 2 months. So I'd been there 2 months now and the other 2 dudes for 1 month... One of the guys got a job working retail nearby, he worked with a guy who lived down the street from the place we moved into... so they got to chatting at work and the guy decides to fuck with him, I guess, and tells buddy who lives in our house... 'Yeah man the old people who lived there before died in that house, that house is haunted.' The part about the death in the house could very well be true, I think it was. I believe it was an older couple that lived there before we moved in, but the part about the haunting was pure speculation and I think the guy made that up just to have a conversation piece. Like 'oh yeah I live down the street from you and your house is haunted.' Just to mess with him, or talk about something remotely interesting. So he comes back and tells us this, already convinced the house is haunted and we both laugh at him. It became so easy to fuck with the guy we didn't even have to do anything. The furnace would start up and he would get all jumpy. No way was this place haunted, I lived there alone for a month in an old empty house. The house was OLD ... old style locks and old furnace vents, so it made weird noises all the time, it was just an old house. The type of creaks and groans that old houses have, nothing more. But this guy was so jumpy after being told that people died there that he wouldn't sleep at night and me and the other guy thought it was funny how mental he went over it, so we'd mess with him to sketch him out even harder. One time we told him 'Hey man, better watch your asshole tonight, that ghost is gonna rape you in your sleep' Dude was like 25 years old and he screamed and ran away and was like 'screw you guys, that's not funny I don't wanna get raped by a ghost.' Like he legit thought there was a ghost and the ghost was gonna rape him in his sleep. Guy was none too swift. It was all in his head, and that made it so much easier to mess with him, there was no haunting, no ghost, it was just an old house. But he was convinced, so to him there was a ghost, and he was legitimately scared, me and the other guy just thought he was really dim, we never saw any evidence of anything, and like I said I lived there completely alone for a month in a big empty house, it was actually pretty cool. Until I got a proper bed I slept on an air-mattress in the living room, had the whole place to myself. The fact that he thought it was haunted made it even more real to him, to me and the other guy it was just an old house. The general consensus was that the house was just old. Buddy was just a spazz, all he did was play WoW and drink Coca-Cola and pine over chicks we'd have over. All around weirdo. I dunno, maybe ghosts exist I can't say for sure one way or the other, but there were none in that place. If you think there is one you should probably do something to make yourself at ease about it, like maybe just clean up and make it more comfy, try and give it a better energy. Maybe some of that would help your dog chill, too. If you believe in ghosts, maybe try channeling with your dog and telepathically ask him what's up? Channeling with animals is easily more real than ghosts.
  10. Oh man that is too weird. That's some crazy fetish shit right there. That is one weird web find. Illustrating the importance of proper punctuation. I think the way to do breast milk is to suckle straight from the teat.
  11. Dude, I don't wanna drink a total strangers milk. That's just WEIRD! Awesome link though, great internet find, right there.
  12. I'd sooner ask politely. Stealing breast milk sounds sketch. If it's a good buddy he will understand.
  13. Hahaha the corner ding thing is a total paradox, explain that one moonbeams! Good point oxxo! As for the italicized text... that shit is truth. Thoughts and emotions exist in higher dimensions, and the higher dimensions govern the lower ones. Anyone who's familiar with the concept of flatland knows this. This thread has taken a strangely philosophical/metaphysical turn.
  14. I would be down to try that, or even plain breast milk, but I'd want it to be from a nice clean girl. A little aside on breast milk I remember reading tons of biblical stuff about foods and food preparation, I'm not religious but some of this stuff has it's merit, hear me out... They basically say that you should never drink the milk from a woman you lay with or vice versa, so its basically like 'no incest allowed' which makes perfect sense. That stuff is not without its merits. There was all kinds of other stuff like you should only eat fish that have fins and scales, no shellfish, etc. But yeah so the bummer aspect is I wanna try breast milk but when will I ever get the chance cause according to that rule you couldn't drink the milk from a girl you impregnated, when else would you ever get the chance? And who else's milk would you want to drink? You'd have to have a real good buddy with a decent girl or something... Crazy eh... yeah this is the kinda random shit that goes through my head...
  15. That blows dude, I remember when I was a little kid... way before downloading. I was huge on albums even then and I had a 25 disc changer. One day it fucked up and wouldn't open... I tweaked and ripped the front compartment off and dug my 25 CDs out. The ones that were in there would have been my fav 25 at the time. So yeah I was like so headstrong about getting my CDs out of there that I tore the CD player apart hahahahhaa. I was a kid. Seems kinda silly/spazzy now but I also remember a little while before that my older brother's Panasonic CD player shit the bed and he brought it in to be repaired and the repair guys fixed it but stole his CD out of the tray, didn't put it back... dunno if it was intentional or not, (in hindsight, it seems like it must have been intentional cause after fixing it you could use the CD that was already in it to test if it was working properly or not) so I was like 'fuck bringing this thing in and losing my CDs, I'm rescuing my CDs and bricking this fucking piece of shit in the process. I don't regret it.
  16. I hear you man... I never liked skim milk or even 2%... when using milk for cooking/in recipes homogenized is the way to go... and for ice cream its gotta be... gotta get that double-churn but for drinking a glass, or on cereal, or dunking cookies, etc. almond milk is hands down the way to go. Since I got used to it I cannot go back.. I find the very thought of drinking a glass of cow's milk to be repulsive now. I don't find almond milk to be watery at all, but I think you were referring to skim and 2% anyway.
  17. In addition to Hawaii, pineapple for the fresh market is grown in Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador and Nicaragua... Duh... doesn't take a whole thread to figure that one out.
  18. Throw some Quebec cheese curds and some gravy on there and toss this Canuck a POUTINE!
  19. You guys should check out comedian Joe Mande's bit about the first guy to drink milk and the invention of cheese. Caught it a few nights ago on Funny As Hell, HILARIOUS!
  20. Yeah man, it counts, but I suggest unsweetened almond milk, in place of cow's milk.

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