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THis is why kids are all bastards nowadays

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i think my mom only had to spank me once as a child. she used a rubber spatula, and all she had to do when i was bad from that point on was make a move towards the drawer with the spatula in it and i would have licked the floor clean to avoid the punishment that i knew was to come if i didn't stop doing whatever it was that i was doing.

my supervisor at work has a horribly horribly misbehaved child. at 14, she's already stolen her grandparents car with her friend and drove around all night, stolen her mom's credit card and racked up $700 worth of charges, including renting a hotel room for the night and throwing a party, and so many other things. this woman is CONSTANTLY on the phone screaming insults at this girl and threatening to take away everything from her. of course she never follows through with anything. she even threw her a huge party for 'graduating' from 8th grade last weekend, complete with renting tents and getting kegs of beer. oh, and she's letting her start cyber school next year because she said she didn't want to go to the public high school.

if you ask me, that kid needs a beating. or three. but then again, so does my supervisor.

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I got the living shit smacked out of me when I was a kid be it hand or belt or plastic paint stirring stick. Guess who grew up with a decent sense of tactful social interaction and no police record.

Also, this judge is full of shit and so is the ruling. Spoiled brats need beaten. Funny thing about this post is as my mom was giving me a ride home from work today some kids walked across the street giving no fucks that we were coming and just kinda slowed down as we approached, this kid in the back no older than 8 proceeded to flip my mom off for no reason. I wanted to beat some sense and respect into him. Wow... I sound a lot older than 21. I guess I'm just violent and hate kids.

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Question for the parents here that are in support of spanking: Would you be bothered if someone else you had temporarily caring for your child used spanking? Not a stranger; I mean like a babysitter, daycare worker, parent of your child's friend, etc. When I was a little kid, I remember playing at my neighbor's house, and his mom washed my mouth out with lemon juice once (I can't remember why). But I remember thinking, "Whoa, people other than my parents can punish me? That is messed up."

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I'm not a parent..yet, but I feel that if anyone else tries to discipline my kid like that, I'm suing their ass, cause that is endangerment. As a parent, you know your child so you also know the threshold of the punishment you can give on your child.

If the kid was acting up in from of a teacher, babysitter, etc. I would want them to let me know so I can dole out the discipline.

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im not a parent but i was/am a big part of raising my younger brother. i say yes. BUT its the adults responsibility to know when they can step in like that. if my brother were over at friends for the first, second, third time and they got into some trouble i would not want that person putting their hands on the child. i wouldnt feel comfortable if i were that parent in their position.

if the kids have been friends for a while, i know the parents, etc. thats different.

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I have a two year old who loves to hit. He thinks it's hilarious. My wife, who is a service coordinator for kids with disabilities says that what you're supposed to do is say, "No! We don't hit!" and if the kid hits you again you're supposed to but him or her in time out.

That shit doesn't work. He still hits. A part of me thinks the reason it doesn't sink in is that we tell the kid we don't hit but he doesn't understand why. Maybe if someone cracked him upside the head he would know that we don't hit because getting hit sucks.

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Like a lot of people my age when I behaved like a little bastard, which was often, I more often than not received a hiding.

I'm not really sure that it worked, more effective was the time my Dad started smashing up my records, I shut up pretty quickly.

On a side note after a huge arument with my mother which ended physically, I threatened to call the social services to which she responded,

"Fine then you'll be taken into care and be physically and sexually abused".

That made me think as well.

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Question for the parents here that are in support of spanking: Would you be bothered if someone else you had temporarily caring for your child used spanking? Not a stranger; I mean like a babysitter, daycare worker, parent of your child's friend, etc. When I was a little kid, I remember playing at my neighbor's house, and his mom washed my mouth out with lemon juice once (I can't remember why). But I remember thinking, "Whoa, people other than my parents can punish me? That is messed up."

i got disciplined by my neighbors, my grandma's friends (if they were taking care of me at the time and i acted up), and my principle and assistant principle. so my parents allowed anyone they knew to spank me if i acted up, i dont see why i wouldn't as long as i knew the parents knew how to effectively spank a child without hurting them. worst spanking i got was in middle school from my middle school teacher. bitch swung like mark mcgwire.

anyone ever get hit with a belt buckle.. shit hurts. dad hit me one time by accident when he was holding his belt the wrong way.. and popped me in the hand when i tried to fend myself off. we laughed about it when i got older.

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I have a two year old who loves to hit. He thinks it's hilarious. My wife, who is a service coordinator for kids with disabilities says that what you're supposed to do is say, "No! We don't hit!" and if the kid hits you again you're supposed to but him or her in time out.

That shit doesn't work. He still hits. A part of me thinks the reason it doesn't sink in is that we tell the kid we don't hit but he doesn't understand why. Maybe if someone cracked him upside the head he would know that we don't hit because getting hit sucks.

theres just something wierd about hitting a kid who has just hit you and then saying "don't hit"

also, talking to kids about not hotting dosn't work either.

you need to figure out why the kid is engaging in the behavior and then deal with it that way.

(example, if the kid is hitting to gain access to an item. then you would not give the item and teach an approprate way to gain access. then reward the postive behavior and not the negitive one)

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i have 3 older brothers and one younger sister...my brother and i used to get punished for things we did wrong...my sister never had it anywhere near what we did growing up...she's currently a high-school dropout while i'm a youth worker and my other 3 brothers are a police officer, a firefigher and an accountant respectfully...

it's was never fun at the time but i'm a firm believer if i wasn't disciplined as a child i would be a totally different person today.

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I have a two year old who loves to hit. He thinks it's hilarious. My wife, who is a service coordinator for kids with disabilities says that what you're supposed to do is say, "No! We don't hit!" and if the kid hits you again you're supposed to but him or her in time out.

That shit doesn't work. He still hits. A part of me thinks the reason it doesn't sink in is that we tell the kid we don't hit but he doesn't understand why. Maybe if someone cracked him upside the head he would know that we don't hit because getting hit sucks.

theres just something wierd about hitting a kid who has just hit you and then saying "don't hit"

also, talking to kids about not hotting dosn't work either.

you need to figure out why the kid is engaging in the behavior and then deal with it that way.

(example, if the kid is hitting to gain access to an item. then you would not give the item and teach an approprate way to gain access. then reward the postive behavior and not the negitive one)

He's not hitting people for any reason other than he thinks it's fun to hit people. I'm just saying that until he realizes that hitting hurts he's going to continue to think it's fun.

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i guess i just have "black mama" syndrome.

do parents of this generation think they are getting back at THEIR parents for spanking them, by not spanking their own?

as ignorant as it sounds, a kid needs to know their place.

discipline is part of being a parent, and sometimes you have to add a little UMPH to get through to them.

my favorite thing to do is pop my kids in the shoulder with my fingers, kinda like popping a towel.

it chills 'em out fast.

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I have a two year old who loves to hit. He thinks it's hilarious. My wife, who is a service coordinator for kids with disabilities says that what you're supposed to do is say, "No! We don't hit!" and if the kid hits you again you're supposed to but him or her in time out.

That shit doesn't work. He still hits. A part of me thinks the reason it doesn't sink in is that we tell the kid we don't hit but he doesn't understand why. Maybe if someone cracked him upside the head he would know that we don't hit because getting hit sucks.

so do you hit him martin?....

EDIT....i posted this on your original post before reading the rest of the thread.

i don't know too much on this subject because my girls are only 10 months old, but i imagine myself telling them no we don't hit and why we don't hit. if they act out then they are getting spanked.

my wife is the complete opposite when it comes to discipline. i have a feeling we need to compromise now before we start fighting about how do discipline our children.

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i didn't even think about this, my cousin use to love hitting people. women, men, etc etc. i dont' know why, but he did that once to my greatgrandmother and she threw him over her lap and spanked the shit out of him. once my aunt saw this she said "what are you doing?" , my great grandmother responded "well you're not doing anything about it". she didn't hit him hard, as she cupped her hand, but she embarrassed the living shit out of the kid in front of everyone. what are you gonna say to a 60 year old lady as a 4 year old punches her in the leg? funny how she was holding him down while still maintaining composure and her cigarette. my great grandmother was what you would call a broad.. she drank hard, smoked hard, and played hard. and she drove like dale earnhardt jr. she always reminded me of the first balliff on night court too.

and avoilentworld: i dont think martin has it in him to hit/spank his kid. which is understandable too. his kid may be way too young, i don't know his/her age.

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Did anyone else ever try to like, protect themselves haha. I remember when I was 5 or so I had beach toys under the sink in the bathroom for when I took baths or something and this one time I did something (no idea what) I ran off knowing I was in deep shit and got a plastic sand sieve and put it in my pants over my ass. When my mom found me with the belt she proceeded to try to punish me and I was like lol k bitch. Then after a few swings without me crying she figured it out and made me take it out. So much for being clever.

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Did anyone else ever try to like, protect themselves haha. I remember when I was 5 or so I had beach toys under the sink in the bathroom for when I took baths or something and this one time I did something (no idea what) I ran off knowing I was in deep shit and got a plastic sand sieve and put it in my pants over my ass. When my mom found me with the belt she proceeded to try to punish me and I was like lol k bitch. Then after a few swings without me crying she figured it out and made me take it out. So much for being clever.

nope, i took a ass-whoopin like a man.. and cried after wards like one too. :P

i really didn't get hit after i was about 12 though. i was too big and was able to fight off my dad so he stopped. but my uncle on the other hand whooped the shit out of me.

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we have become so soft and politically correct about everything. its a damn shame what it is all turning out to. look at the generation after the 2nd world war. the economy, hardworking communities, shit made well, people with manners and respect.

it is a shame because i think it is sad that so many that grew up in that "rough" time period wanted their children to live a different life. it is like the parents had good intentions of giving their kids stuff they didn't have and a means of living they never got (as a meal and roof over your head was a good means of living). although while it had good intentions, kids were not mature enough or smart enough to handle it and took advantage of it (ALL of this is generalizations based on majority of people, thus obviously there are exceptions).

i mean who in today's time wanted to take over mom's flower shop, or work on dads farm, or be a coal miner. technology, while amazing, seems to almost thrown us backwards and we are losing so much of what so many hard ass working people sweated and bled for. my dad seems to know how to change his oil, build guns, run a lathe, work in an office, use a computer, milk a cow, fix the washing machine, fix the lawnmower, restore cars, change the electrical boxes, build cabinets, lay concrete, build cabinets, etc etc i could go on for a mile. he is 48 and it seems those that are 47, 46, 45....25, 24, 23....13, 12, 11...etc etc know less and less of that. idk i am probably missing a lot of points for the sake of typing fast, but it just saddens me what we have turned out to be like.

at least we know how to sue people, watch tv shows, work the dvr, type 110 words a minute, complain about next day shipping, complain about our cellphone reception, bicker about cold starbucks coffee, and all the other shit. life is so short and i guess a lot of shit hit me about 5 years ago when i was in college and my uncle died (after a 3 year battle) from ALS. made me see a grown single sad man who went fly fishing every summer with us turn into a baby who needed help shaving, eating through a damn feeding tube in his stomach, changing the tv station, bathing, etc etc. made me realize a lot of stuff. i think its some of the small things in life that keep me sane (even though i fight my social anxiety, the loss of a high school sweetheart years ago, and staying a hermit in my apt) like vinyl, music, shooting photos on film, and the other things in life that seem to be dying off every day.

/damn ive done a lot of ranting today. i got so much work to do as well....

ps: i unfortunately have not yet read any of the rest of this thread minus flipped through the article posted.

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