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Whatever happens, I just hope the value of my 1337 vinyl does not drop.

In all seriousness though, I am not very knowledgeable on economics aside from the micro and macro classes I've taken, but the bailout just seems like a fucked up plan. It's not fair that we bail out these huge, greedy multi billion dollar corporations because they were greedy, and fucked everyone over. From what I've learned, you do good business and succeed, you do bad business and you fail. If you fail, the market may be messed up for awhile, but will eventually reach an equilibrium.

I just don't understand why nothing was done about this when the small guy was losing his house, but now that the billionaires have to get rid of their golden chocolate fountains it's time to step in.

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thing is, we can't tolerate the banks all failing like they are now, or 1/3 the country loosing their houses. there's no credit to be had now, and some businesses are having trouble running day to day with capital being froze up. if you want to buy a car or a house, there's almost no way you can get a loan for them. kirby posted last week about the Chinese no longer lending us money, and they're one of the major lenders for our economy. the main point of the bailout is to get the credit going again so everyone's not screwed.

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thing is, we can't tolerate the banks all failing like they are now, or 1/3 the country loosing their houses. there's no credit to be had now, and some businesses are having trouble running day to day with capital being froze up. if you want to buy a car or a house, there's almost no way you can get a loan for them. kirby posted last week about the Chinese no longer lending us money, and they're one of the major lenders for our economy. the main point of the bailout is to get the credit going again so everyone's not screwed.

The question is how you go about doing that. Helping people pay for their stuff and keep it injects as much money as just handing lenders a blank check. It also allows for people to keep their homes until they're worth more keeping the debt away from everyone in the country. There are smart ways to do this and rash ways to do this. If we go with the latter we as a collective nation will feel the pain for many, many years; maybe our entire lifetime.

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For those who want to learn how to invest... do a tiny bit of research to get your feet wet, then create a mock portfolio. There's no better way to learn than by doing, just don't *actually* do it until you're comfortable. Pretend you're buying stocks or whatever, then watch them for a while and see if you you made good choices. Make sure to constantly ask yourself why you're doing what you're doing and note if what happens is what you anticipated.

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WE ARE NOT GOING TO GO INTO A GREAT DEPRESSION. FUCK. THE MARKET WILL NOT CRASH. In 1987 the Market dropped 22% in two days. Yesterday was FAR from 22%.

The SEC placed something called Circuit Breakers in the market, here, now you know what they are.

Circuit Breakers

The securities and futures markets have circuit breakers that provide for brief, coordinated, cross-market trading halts during a severe market decline as measured by a single day decrease in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). There are three circuit breaker thresholds—10%, 20%, and 30%—set by the markets at point levels that are calculated at the beginning of each quarter. The formulas for these thresholds are set forth in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Rule 80B.

For example, on April 1, 2007, the average value for the DJIA for the preceding month (March 2007) was used to calculate point levels (rounded to the nearest 50 points). This resulted in the Level One (10%) circuit breaker set at 1,250 points, Level Two (20%) circuit breaker set at 2,450 points, and the Level Three (30%) circuit breaker set at 3,700 points.

In order to avoid such crashes in the future, several limits were implemented. They were required in order to calm the market down when it started to get on fire. Some of the restrictions include:

1. If before 2pm the Dow has decreased by 10%, the trading activity will be terminated for one hour.

2. If before 2pm the Dow has decreased by 20%, the trading activity will be terminated for two hours.

3. If the Dow has decreased by 30%, the trading activity will be terminated for the trading day.

4. If very significant events, such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters occur, the market will not be opened at all in order to avoid potential panic.

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WE ARE NOT GOING TO GO INTO A GREAT DEPRESSION. FUCK. THE MARKET WILL NOT CRASH. In 1987 the Market dropped 22% in two days. Yesterday was FAR from 22%.

The SEC placed something called Circuit Breakers in the market, here, now you know what they are.

Circuit Breakers

The securities and futures markets have circuit breakers that provide for brief, coordinated, cross-market trading halts during a severe market decline as measured by a single day decrease in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). There are three circuit breaker thresholds—10%, 20%, and 30%—set by the markets at point levels that are calculated at the beginning of each quarter. The formulas for these thresholds are set forth in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Rule 80B.

For example, on April 1, 2007, the average value for the DJIA for the preceding month (March 2007) was used to calculate point levels (rounded to the nearest 50 points). This resulted in the Level One (10%) circuit breaker set at 1,250 points, Level Two (20%) circuit breaker set at 2,450 points, and the Level Three (30%) circuit breaker set at 3,700 points.

In order to avoid such crashes in the future, several limits were implemented. They were required in order to calm the market down when it started to get on fire. Some of the restrictions include:

1. If before 2pm the Dow has decreased by 10%, the trading activity will be terminated for one hour.

2. If before 2pm the Dow has decreased by 20%, the trading activity will be terminated for two hours.

3. If the Dow has decreased by 30%, the trading activity will be terminated for the trading day.

4. If very significant events, such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters occur, the market will not be opened at all in order to avoid potential panic.

B-B-BUT if we're not scared how can the Republicans get elected again?

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Republican's dont even want the bailout because they don't believe in government regulation, so them not voting for the bailout plan, whatever it ends up being, is going to make them lose votes, not gain votes. If the market really does fall apart, its the republican parties fault for not sucking it up and doing whats best for this country.

Market won't crash.

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I'm against the $85,000,000, 000.00 bailout of AIG.

Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000, 000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend.

To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.

Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up..

So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00.

My plan is to give $425,0 00 to every person 18+ as a

We Deserve It Dividend.

Of course, it would NOT be tax-free.

So let's assume a tax rate of 30%.

Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.

That sends $25,500,000, 000 right back to Uncle Sam.

But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.

A husband and wife has $595,000 .00.

What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?

Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved.

Repay college loans - what a great boost to new grads

Put away money for college - it'll be there

Save in a bank - create money to loan to entrepreneurs.

Buy a new car - create jobs

Invest in the market - capital drives growth

Pay for your parent's medical insurance - health care improves

Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean - or else

Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks

who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company

that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.

If we're going to re-distribute wealth let's really do it...instead of trickling out

a puny $1000.00 ( "vote buy" ) economic incentive that is being proposed by one of our candidates for President.

If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!

As for AIG - liquidate it.

Sell off its parts.

Let American General go back to being American General.

Sell off the real estate.

Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.

Here's my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn't.

Sure it's a crazy idea that can "never work."

But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!

How do you spell Economic Boom?

I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion

We Deserve It Dividend more than I do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington DC.

And remember, The Family plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because

$25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.

Ahhh...I feel so much better getting that off my chest.

Kindest personal regards,

A Creative Guy & Citizen of the Republic.

The only problem is that the math is wrong. Refigure it yourself. First, the number of U.S. citizens is wrong. And with his math it only comes out to $425 per person.

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WE ARE NOT GOING TO GO INTO A GREAT DEPRESSION. FUCK. THE MARKET WILL NOT CRASH. In 1987 the Market dropped 22% in two days. Yesterday was FAR from 22%.

The SEC placed something called Circuit Breakers in the market, here, now you know what they are.

Circuit Breakers

The securities and futures markets have circuit breakers that provide for brief, coordinated, cross-market trading halts during a severe market decline as measured by a single day decrease in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). There are three circuit breaker thresholds—10%, 20%, and 30%—set by the markets at point levels that are calculated at the beginning of each quarter. The formulas for these thresholds are set forth in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Rule 80B.

For example, on April 1, 2007, the average value for the DJIA for the preceding month (March 2007) was used to calculate point levels (rounded to the nearest 50 points). This resulted in the Level One (10%) circuit breaker set at 1,250 points, Level Two (20%) circuit breaker set at 2,450 points, and the Level Three (30%) circuit breaker set at 3,700 points.

In order to avoid such crashes in the future, several limits were implemented. They were required in order to calm the market down when it started to get on fire. Some of the restrictions include:

1. If before 2pm the Dow has decreased by 10%, the trading activity will be terminated for one hour.

2. If before 2pm the Dow has decreased by 20%, the trading activity will be terminated for two hours.

3. If the Dow has decreased by 30%, the trading activity will be terminated for the trading day.

4. If very significant events, such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters occur, the market will not be opened at all in order to avoid potential panic.


I don't know why people are freaking out so hardcore. It's bad, yes. It's not completely "we're all fucking gonna die" bad. I honestly feel a better bailout will occur and we'll be right back to shoveling shit. I don't know why everyone is so intent on saying it's the end of the world.

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WE ARE NOT GOING TO GO INTO A GREAT DEPRESSION. FUCK. THE MARKET WILL NOT CRASH. In 1987 the Market dropped 22% in two days. Yesterday was FAR from 22%.

The SEC placed something called Circuit Breakers in the market, here, now you know what they are.

Circuit Breakers

The securities and futures markets have circuit breakers that provide for brief, coordinated, cross-market trading halts during a severe market decline as measured by a single day decrease in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). There are three circuit breaker thresholds—10%, 20%, and 30%—set by the markets at point levels that are calculated at the beginning of each quarter. The formulas for these thresholds are set forth in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Rule 80B.

For example, on April 1, 2007, the average value for the DJIA for the preceding month (March 2007) was used to calculate point levels (rounded to the nearest 50 points). This resulted in the Level One (10%) circuit breaker set at 1,250 points, Level Two (20%) circuit breaker set at 2,450 points, and the Level Three (30%) circuit breaker set at 3,700 points.

In order to avoid such crashes in the future, several limits were implemented. They were required in order to calm the market down when it started to get on fire. Some of the restrictions include:

1. If before 2pm the Dow has decreased by 10%, the trading activity will be terminated for one hour.

2. If before 2pm the Dow has decreased by 20%, the trading activity will be terminated for two hours.

3. If the Dow has decreased by 30%, the trading activity will be terminated for the trading day.

4. If very significant events, such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters occur, the market will not be opened at all in order to avoid potential panic.


I don't know why people are freaking out so hardcore. It's bad, yes. It's not completely "we're all fucking gonna die" bad. I honestly feel a better bailout will occur and we'll be right back to shoveling shit. I don't know why everyone is so intent on saying it's the end of the world.

the Dow Jones in 1987 had yet to break 3,000 points, so a 500 point drop WAS a big dent. currently the Dow Jones is almost at 11,000, thanks to the 300+ point surge this morning. a 700 point drop is NOT going to crash the market, or make a huge dent, a solution will be found before the market breaks that 20% threshold (4,400 points is 20% by the way)

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I'll just say that after observing 3 periods of high school classes where this came up today, and browsing through a thread at Absolutepunk.net, I find it hilarious when high schoolers throw their economic opinions around. I have an econ degree and don't put a lot of faith in what I say myself, but these kids talk like they're the real director of the Fed or something.

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