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Posts posted by SeeMoreGlass

  1. 56 minutes ago, The Ghost of Randy Savage said:

    This is nothing against anyone in particular, if you know what you like, good on ya...but when I see top ten lists that are nothing but pop-punk albums it confuses me a little bit. Tons of good albums came out this year, branch out a little bit!

    This is nothing against anyone in particular, if you know what you like, good on ya...but when I see top ten lists that are nothing but pop-punk albums it confuses me a little bit. Tons of good albums came out this year, branch out a little bit!

    Mr. Savage...


    I believe this was directed towards me (with good reason) but I just wanted to save my ass a little bit and throw out there that I spent most of the year buying older albums. I bought the entire Genesis discography (yeah I know Phil Collins sucks...blah blah blah), about 18 Bob Dylan records as well as everything Springsteen came out with up to Tunnel of Love. Also bought a copy of Prince's 1999, the represses of John Coltrane's A Love Supreme and Blue Train, A pretty extensive order from Numero Group, Joni Mitchell's Blue, A shit ton of Frank Sinatra (all in the $1 bin and in perfect condition)The Smiths, some Morrissey represses and some punk records I've been wanting to get forever like Jim Carroll Band's Catholic Boy and Fear's The Record


    I would recommend any one of those albums BTW...


    I just wanted to clear up that in terms of new music I usually listen to a good portion of pop/punk/emo because that's typically what I dig...but I branched out a lot this year and bought/listened to a ton of albums I never would have before...but the list is for new music...so that didn't come through...


    Have a great holiday Macho Man! next year I'll try to make my list as eclectic as yours;)



  2. Top 5 Favs of 2016

    1. The Hotelier - Goodness

    2. Conor Oberst - Ruminations

    3. Posture And The Grizzly - I Am Satan

    4. Tiny Movin Parts - Celebrate

    5. Brian Fallon - Painkillers


    Honorable Mentions That I Still Need To Spend More Time With...

    Into It Over It - Standards

    Modern Baseball - Holy Ghost

    Thrice - To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere

    Teen Suicide - It's The Big Joyous Celebration, Let's Stir The Honeypot

    American Football - LP2

    You Blew It! - Abendrot

    Touche Amore - Stage Four

    Letlive - If I'm The Devil

    Moose Blood - Blush (totally forgot about this one after listening once)


    Records I Still Need To Buy...

    Childish Gambino - Awaken My Love

    Jimmy Eat World - Integrity Blues

    Taking Back Sunday - Tidal Wave (have heard nothing about this album...but I'm remaining optomistic)

    Joyce Manor - Cody

    Balance And Composure - Light We Made



    Biggest Disapointment 

    Blink 182 - California...I actually forgot this existed a week after it came out...so boring


    Not going to lie...I spent most of my year listening to the Hotelier and Conor Oberst....

    My list came out a little more typical than usual and that kind of bums me out because usually I have a sleeper album that comes out and just knocks my socks off every year like Julien Baker's Sprained Ankle last year and Foxing's The Albatross the year before....this year everything was about as I expected it to be...no really new bands blew me away this year...It was just a lot of my old favorites making solid records...


    Except Blinks California....what a snoozefest...ughh!


    My Best album of 2017 prediction - The Menzingers - After The Party


    See you in 2017 Motherfuckers....





  3. Sup Ya'll

    I'm looking to finish up collecting some of the Aaron West stuff I missed out on when I didn't have the extra cash...These are for my The Wonder Years collection so any help would be appreciated. I have pretty much all of the old stuff that I want...It's just keeping up with the new stuff now...


    I'm looking for a copy of 


    If We Don't Have Each Other - Blue Vinyl

    Bittersweet 7" - Red/Blue/Green - Tri Color 1/100

    Bittersweet 7" - Tour Edition 

    Bittersweet 7" - Sea foam Green - 1/300


    Any help with these would be great...just hit me up with a price and hopefully we can work something out...

  4. Gold Old War - Only Way To Be Alone - Signed by the whole band

    The Early November - The Rooms Too Cold - Signed by Ace, Jeff and Joe...missing Sergio

    Foxy Shazam - Welcome To The Church Of Rock n' Roll - Whole Band



    Manchester Orchestra - Like A Virgin Losing A Child - Whole Band

    Circa Survive - Juturna - Whole Band

    The Ataris - So Long Astoria - Kris Roe

  5. I can't help but feel like we are getting too caught up with labels in this thread...I feel like those things are created purposely to divide us and keep us divided...If there will ever be any progress we need to set aside the labels and have conversations about the current problems in our country and how they can be solved. 


    I might get some hate for this but I would recommend the documentary on Netflix "Requiem for the American Dream" which I found very insightful when looking at the history of our country and why we are where we are today. It is only 70 minutes so it is a short watch but it is quite interesting. I'm a huge fan of the novel 1984 by George Orwell and see some major parallels between what Noam Chomsky is talking about and the novel, specifically in the beginning where he is talking about the concentration of wealth leading to a concentration of power that leads to legislation that proliferates that concentration of both. It is an unbroken cycle. In the totalitarian state of Oceana in the novel 1984 The Party keeps people controlled by the cycle of war. They go to war (in the middle east) to build the labor force, to make weapons for war, to get destroyed in the war so the cycle continues. I feel like Chomsky is making the argument that while we are told we are living in a democracy, it has become more of a liberal totalitarian state. We get all this rhetoric from the media (both liberal and conservative) that we live in the "greatest country in the world" and that "America is a democracy" but what if that is all just rhetoric to continue our belief in the lie that we are a democracy? It is an interesting question. I mean look at what happens when the people protest against what they feel is something that is wrong and how the police respond to it. Is our first amendment right to free speech and the ability to protest just a ruse that our government wants us to keep believing we have? 


    Also, he makes and interesting discussion about the idea of socialism and compares it to public education. "From the point of view of the masters you are only supposed to care about yourself and not care about others. It has taken a lot of effort to drive these basic human notions from peoples heads and we see it today in policy formation in social security. Social security means I pay payroll taxes so the widow across town has something to live on. This means nothing to the rich so they put a lot of effort into destroying it. The public schools are based on this same principal of solidarity. I no longer have children in school, they are all grown up, but the principal of solidarity says that I should pay taxes so that other students have the same right to go to school." (all of that is paraphrased from the documentary) I feel like these are the same things we are trying to do with healthcare and higher education right now and it brings up an interesting point. Should we care about our neighbors and help them or should we just care about ourselves and the bottom line? 


    My personal interpretation is that it is a basic human emotion to care about others and I agree with Chomsky in his argument that the people in power are trying to drive this principle of solidarity out of us because it serves no purpose to them and it only makes us stronger as a democracy...


    I hope this incites a healthy debate and discussion because all of the hatred and bigotry towards "liberals" and "conservatives" and "republicans" and "democrats" gets us nowhere...

  6. 8 hours ago, daegor said:

    I'm interjecting here into a conversation I was not a part of, and I'm Canadian so the situation is different, AND I don't know anyone on disibility


    BUT.  I personally spent the majority of my 20s living below the poverty line.  In Canada you can live relatively comfortably below the poverty line due to a lot of social programs, free medical, low taxes, cheap education, social assisted income scaled housing, etc.  Well, depending on how far below the line you live.


    I had the good fortune of being able to move my way up to what I guess might be 'upper middle class', and now I don't qualify for social programs, I pay full medical (yes, much cheaper than the US still), high taxes, cheap education (that's just universal), I don't qualify for cheap housing. Basically, I pay the government a lot more now that I'm not poor.


    The rich pay for the poor.


    I have the relatively unique perspective of being both sides at different points in my life.  I have no problem paying my dues so I that someone else has a chance to elevate themselves.


    even with the realization that for every person who is willing and able to put in the effort to elevate themselves, there is another person who is either unable or unwilling to do so.

    I love this response and I think the major problem in America is that we are victims of the capitalist mindset where its all about me and my dream and my money and fuck everyone else. Also, again the idea that all of our tax money is going to help people that are lazy is just ridiculous. Yes, there are some people who take advantage of the system but not all of them. If the system isn't working and people find the loopholes and take advantage of them should we blame them or should we blame the system. I choose to blame the system and the people who run it for not seeing the inherent problems and trying to fix them. 



  7. As a teacher, The Board of Education needs to be eliminated because it does nothing but stunt learning and take valuable time in the classroom away from teachers who need it. 


    I think Libertarians have some cool ideas that I agree with but I don't think it really does anything to stop the amount of corporate welfare that is happening in America. We hear all the time about the poor "taking our tax money" but the media never focuses on the corporations that hide money in offshore accounts and cash giant bonus checks that they get for doing absolutely nothing. I feel like there is some great discussion in this thread but we are focusing too much on "isms" (and according to ferris beuhler isms are not good). Regardless of which "party" we belong to or identify with we have to recognize that the capitalist system we live in is royally fucking everyone but themselves and there needs to be some accountability. As a country I think we should take a long look at the tax programs that were in place before Nixon and that fucking piece of shit Ronald Reagan were in office. I think there are some answers in taxing corporations and bringing jobs back to america, we just have to recognize that we are going to piss off corporations in the process and we shouldn't give a shit because corporations are not poeple


    This whole election is so frustrating to me because I feel like we are getting distracted by the media by all this other bullshit when the solutions are right in front of our face. We just need a way to elect leaders that will put these ideas into practice and are not easily corruptible which is something we don't really have right now. Besides...is it possible for a leader to get into power and not be corrupted? 

  8. 1 hour ago, AndrewSS said:

    We don't have each other 2nd Press on blue cheap. 

    Thanks for the heads up man, sent a Pm


    11 hours ago, chamb117 said:

    i heard there's a black /500 retail version of bittersweet. didn't know if you had heard or not but they haven't been mentioning it in the pressing info. good luck dude

    I didn't see that. I'm going to have to snag it. Thanks for letting me know!!

  9. Hey Guys, 


    I want to try to get caught up on my Aaron West and Wonder Years variants this summer. I have a fairly complete collection (besides test presses but fuck that) except for some of the newer things and I would like to keep it going. I would appreciate the help...


    I'm looking for 


    The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation - Ivory


    Aaron West And The Roaring Twenties - Bittersweet - Wax Bodega Tri Variant /100


    Aaron West And The Roaring Twenties - Bittersweet - Seafoam Green /300


    Aaron West And The Roaring Twenties - If We Don't Have Each Other - 2nd Press - Blue


    I know the greatest generation Ivory is still available...I just figured I would see if anyone on here wanted to get rid of it first...


    Thanks Guys!!

  10. 1 minute ago, WAXXX said:

    also, a reminder that personal anecdotes and experiences are not necessarily indicative of larger, generalized, more global trends.

    Word, That is an interesting article. I'm going to have to spend more time with it. I think it must be a religious thing because I see it much like Christian Americans (4 in 10) who believe that the earth is 6-10,000 years old and think that the devil planted dinosaur bones in the ground to trick us. Religion is full of nutty stuff, hopefully the people in power can stay smart enough to understand the separation of church and state....http://www.livescience.com/46123-many-americans-creationists.html


    As terrifying as Shariah Law is I find radical Christians more terrifying because of their rejection of things that can be proved by multiple things. Their ability to double think is astounding.

  11. 2 minutes ago, AWasteOfATime said:

    I really loved Killing Time, but Cult left me cold. Hopefully this one will be better, considering he has no shortage of things to write about...

    Killing Time was Ok...I was in the middle about it...loved the song Mona Lisa but can't remember anything else on the album honestly. I'm really mad at myself for selling my cream copy though...totally regret that decision...especially if I end up liking this record...then I am going to have to get it all over again with Cult...

  12. 3 minutes ago, AWasteOfATime said:

    -calls it "their most cohesive record yet", in terms of lyrics and a theme. Musically it sounds much more varied and experimental than their last few records.

    This has me really intrigued...wasn't a huge fan of their last 2 but I might have to check this one out...

  13. Personally, it's not an issue for me. I'm thinking more along the lines of other people who like to flip through my collection when they're at my place - including some pretty young family members. It's not like I'm losing sleep over it, and I'll still buy it. But I know I'm going to have to store it somewhere outside of my normal collection, which is just a (mild) inconvenience. 


    I get what the band was trying to do with that imagery, and I liked it in the music video. But putting it on the cover feels a little like it's being done for shock value. 



    Reflecting upon The Hotelier and their lyrics there is no way this was done for shock value and to think so (I think) misses the whole point. 



    Now I haven't heard the record yet but I am sensing there will be some kind of theme of connection. Mankind's connection to nature and each other. What I get from the picture is that "Goodness" or "Happiness" is only available to us when we toss away our worldly possessions and strip ourselves down to our natural form. True aggression and hatred usually come from the social construct of wanting what the other person has. By having this cover the band is commenting that when you strip away all of the typical bullshit of everyday life such as jobs, possessions, clothes, houses and just simply exist with nature, man is basically good inside. I completely agree with that sentiment and I think this is one of the most honest and beautiful record covers I've seen in ages. 


    Also, its not the first fucking record to have naked people on it...fucking Jimmy Hendrix has a record with naked people...Linda Ronstadt has a record where you can basically see her boobs through the dress. I have a Pink Floyd record called A Nice Pair with a pair of boobs right on the front. Hell I think the first pair of boobs I saw may have been on a record cover. Children aren't going to be scarred by seeing naked old people or naked people in general...hell it will probably do them good...just explain that it is art and they might not be able to understand it until they are older...


    I'm really sick of all of the backlash for this album cover...give the world a dose of realism and they flip their shit...you don't see people bitching like this over the girls of the cover of The Dwarves records... 


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