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getting high with your parents???


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Last night I was at a bar with a few friends when one my friends mom showed up and started buying her drinks. when i commented that i found it unusual and slightly awkward that her mom was A) knowingly at the same bar as us and B) buying her daughter drinks, trying to get her drunk, my friend responded with "well my mom isn't really a mom-y mom. last week me her and her friend got high together in my living room. so its cool."

now i don't smoke pot or cigarettes or anything else (nor does anyone else in my fam), but if i did i wouldn't want my family to know about it. and if they did somehow know, i still would not do it in front of them/with them.

has anyone ever gotten high with their parents before? i find this very strange and uncomfortable. i mean, i can sit around and have a beer with my mom or dad but neither of them would ever WANT me to get hammered. i'm confused. is this real life?


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I only just recently smoked pot with my mom for the first time. It was pretty weird. I don't drink, but I find it pretty normal for people to have a few drinks with their parents when they reach legal drinking age.

It's wrong for a parent to encourage destructive behavior, but it's important to draw the distinction between casual use and "getting hammered", and also whether or not we're talking about a young child.

If your friend is old enough to go out to a bar and mature enough to drink responsibly, then I see nothing wrong with doing the same with their parents.

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A friend of mine from high school would tell me all the time that his dad openly smoked pot a lot at home. Told his kids they were welcome to do it with him sometime. Thought that was really weird. I think I heard sometime before he had kids he was a semi pro surfer in Cali, so that would explain it. I think he's at least in his 50's and I still occasionally see him long boarding around the neighborhood.

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A friend of mine from high school would tell me all the time that his dad openly smoked pot a lot at home. Told his kids they were welcome to do it with him sometime. Thought that was really weird. I think I heard sometime before he had kids he was a semi pro surfer in Cali, so that would explain it. I think he's at least in his 50's and I still occasionally see him long boarding around the neighborhood.

Grant's dad? He wanted to drop acid with me.

I actually dated his daughter for quite a while (who was opposed to drugs/alcohol/everything fun). I ended up hanging out with her dad more than her. We used to go longboarding together. He was absolutely fucking nuts. And awesome.

He WAS actually a semi-pro surfer back in the day. He's around 65 years old now. And still crazy.

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I grew up with a kinda ''i know you know i know'' relationship with my dad but we never openly talked about it and he never busted my balls when I'd come downstairs ripped as shit.

I moved to Europe a few years ago and went back for Christmas one year. We always have a massive Christmas dinner/party/awesomeness each year and growing up I'd notice that Dad and basically the whole dinner party would evacuate outside before the main course and came back in super jolly. Stepped out side last year for a cig and was casually passed a bowl of danks by my dad. Didn't blink an eye. Definitely a not-at-all-awkward transaction of ganj with yer dad.

His buddy came up to me later on and shared a bowl with me. Said he had been growing the same strain of Northern Lights since 1973.

Yay pot stories! (?)

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A few yrs ago, I got my then gf's mom really baked (mind you guys, she had her daughter when she was 15 so at the time she was, what, 34?). She knew that her daughter and I both smoked but never really touched the subject. She's one of those "that's your decision" type of people. One night we were celebrating her daughters graduation from Culinary school and drinks were being poured like nothing. She then looked at me very seriously and said:

"Cesar. I have a question for you."


"...you have weed on you, don't you?"

"...I do, yes. I'm sorry, should I leave?"

"no no no. My question is why are you being a selfish asshole and not offering me any?"

".....I didn't know you smoke, I apologize."

and then I proceeded to packing one bowl after another. That woman was high in da skyyy

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I dunno... if you're an adult why can't your parents get high around you or even with you? I mean if you're a kid obviously they shouldn't be doing that shit. But it's pretty much like alcohol or regular smoking to me even though no-one else in my family does weed (well, one cousin).

Actually nicole I would say someone's mum drinking at the bar with her daughter and her friends is more awkward honestly. Ultimately it's all down to a cultural thing though based on your personal family situation and the society you're living in.

I did know a hippy family whose mother and grandmother smoked pot in front of the mother's little kids. Thought that was really unacceptable (and very unhealthy).

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my girlfriend smokes with her parents. and i feel like im starting to hear about more and more people who are open to it.

as for me, my parents just discovered my weed use in the last year.. but i could never imagine smoking with them. more precisely, i could never imagine either of them smoking.

however, i love getting drunk with them.

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I've done drugs with my dad. He wasn't really a parental figure, so it didn't seem weird. Just not a person I would have preferred to get high with. I was an adult at the time, anyway. I back the statement that if someone is an adult, are doing whatever it is responsibly, it's all good. That said, I definitely used my knowledge of my parents' drug use as justification for my own and I took mine a lot further than my parents did. Sometimes I think it would have been better if I hadn't known their history. But I don't want to hide my experience from my kids when they're old enough to know about it. It's a tricky fucking subject, really. I guess the difference is I came out the other side and can talk about consequences and lessons I learned about drug use. I never heard anything but advocation from my parents.

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I could not even fathom smoking with my parents. They both know that I smoke, and joke around about it with me, but I still even hide the bong whenever they are around. I don't think I have ever even had a beer with one of my parents.

I did smoke with my dad's childhood friend a couple of years ago and it was insanely weird. I hate her, but she did end up giving me a fifth of vodka in return.

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