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Besides, I think I'll hate alot of music in the future. You know how old people complain about our generations music? Yeah, I'll probably be that way later on in life.

I never thought this would happen to me, but I've started to find a lot of current bands boring or a mediocre version of something from years ago. Problem is, now I work backwards and find bands that were influences on current bands I like...then I have to buy their albums...and then I start into THEIR influences. Its a vicious, beautiful cycle of music haha

Yup. I think about stuff like this waaaaay too much. In general music history is one of my favorite things to read up on. The history of recorded music is just so cool to me. Like first, we had cylandrical tubes made of wax, which then evolved into 78 RPMs shelack, then they started making them into vinyl: 7"s at 45 and 12"s at 33. Do you know why 7"s and 12"s kinda developed seperately? Well it was kinda like an old school version of the format wars. Like the recent ones between HD DVDs and Blu-Rays. Check this out if you haven't already, really interesting stuff:


My grandma let me have a bunch of old LPs she doesnt listen to any more, and one of them was a "boxset" of Bing Crosby on shelack. They are so cool
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in the back of my head, ive been considering selling my collection for the following reasons:

-i'll never have anything close to every record i want

-how unnecessary it is to have 13 copies of devil and god

-how much i could get for 11 of them, while keeping one of each press

-how much i could get for the 300+ i own

-how silly it is to "need" to own something i can virtually have for free *

-the physical space a collection requires

-the stress of pre-orders, as well as certain presses selling out unexpectedly

-how much time i spend on this fucking forum

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^^^ I am 100% with you. The cash from selling my collection and the allure of no longer feeling compelled to research and purchase certain pressings, covers, etc. of stuff I could get for free is tempting. I really derive a lot of pleasure from collecting, and I have done so for years now (I'm 34), but I move a lot and really could use the money I spend on records for better things. Damn, the idea of not seeing all these records cluttering up my living space and not being able to put the needle down and stare at a pressing I know I spent a lot of time tracking down, just doesn't sit welll with me. I think the time is coming when I'll have to choose to sell off a lot of the collection for money or convenience, but that time isn't now.

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in the back of my head, ive been considering selling my collection for the following reasons:

-i'll never have anything close to every record i want

-how unnecessary it is to have 13 copies of devil and god

-how much i could get for 11 of them, while keeping one of each press

-how much i could get for the 300+ i own

-how silly it is to "need" to own something i can virtually have for free *

-the physical space a collection requires

-the stress of pre-orders, as well as certain presses selling out unexpectedly

-how much time i spend on this fucking forum

This is why I stopped giving a shit about variants 3 or 4 years ago. It was turning something I loved into a chore. The more I thought about it, the less it made sense.

I've since saved a ton of money (and have made a good bit getting rid of most of the dupes I had), and no longer worry about missing out on a record just because I don't get the rarest variant. I'm not buying these as an investment, so it really doesn't matter if I get the tour edition /100 or the standard edition /900. Plus it drove me crazy looking at my shelf and seeing a 6 inch wide group of variants of the exact same LP. Was as much a waste of space as it was a waste of money.

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This is why I stopped giving a shit about variants 3 or 4 years ago. It was turning something I loved into a chore. The more I thought about it, the less it made sense.

I've since saved a ton of money (and have made a good bit getting rid of most of the dupes I had), and no longer worry about missing out on a record just because I don't get the rarest variant. I'm not buying these as an investment, so it really doesn't matter if I get the tour edition /100 or the standard edition /900. Plus it drove me crazy looking at my shelf and seeing a 6 inch wide group of variants of the exact same LP. Was as much a waste of space as it was a waste of money.

im definitely done with variants. if anything, ill buy the same album again if its a completely different pressing. again, with devil and god, im thinking about keeping one from triple crown and afs each, and selling the rest. and then selling 3 of the new issued yfw. this way i can at least hold on to separate art and whatnot.

i started putting together a list of records to sell last night, and its scary, but probably necessary.

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Sometimes I look at my collection and wonder what would happen if the world ended today..I could of bought a cross-bow or something, you know?

I discovered a while back that variants of ALL a bands releases are futile. I can collect more if I just got the variants of my favorite album from said band.

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There are times when I look at my collection and all the other shit in my house and I just want to burn it all and walk away and pull an Into The Wild...minus the dying part, that is.

This happened to me after watching an episode of hoarders. I started freaking out about collecting anything and what's the point if I'm gonna die anyway, so why waste my money. Every once in a while I still have moments of panic about that, but its never been as bad as it was that night.

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im definitely done with variants. if anything, ill buy the same album again if its a completely different pressing. again, with devil and god, im thinking about keeping one from triple crown and afs each, and selling the rest. and then selling 3 of the new issued yfw. this way i can at least hold on to separate art and whatnot.

i started putting together a list of records to sell last night, and its scary, but probably necessary.

That's what I did to an extent. I didn't get rid of every single variant, but I got rid of pretty much all. Some records that were released on different sizes, or with different b-sides, or something along those lines. I also kept a few because they were mispresses, promos, or just records I was a bit sentimental about.

This happened to me after watching an episode of hoarders. I started freaking out about collecting anything and what's the point if I'm gonna die anyway, so why waste my money. Every once in a while I still have moments of panic about that, but its never been as bad as it was that night.

There's a huge difference between hoarding and collecting, though. Hoarders don't curate their amassments the same way a real collector should. There's no method of organization, no care is taken in storing the items, and there's no logical method to whatever sort of storage they may be using. Unless your record collection exists in large, random piles scattered all throughout your house, it's hardly comparable to the people you see on TV.

I was flipping channels once and hit SyFy when a show called Collection Intervention was on, about people who have big collections of Hot Wheels, Star Wars, Barbies, etc., but have absolutely no sort of storage/curation. They may have some really valuable pieces in their collections, but they're likely damaged/lost among the piles of crap they reside in.

That show is what it's like to be a hoarder who has a collection, not a guy who has a few cubes on his Expedit filled with records.

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This is why I stopped giving a shit about variants 3 or 4 years ago. It was turning something I loved into a chore. The more I thought about it, the less it made sense.

I've since saved a ton of money (and have made a good bit getting rid of most of the dupes I had), and no longer worry about missing out on a record just because I don't get the rarest variant. I'm not buying these as an investment, so it really doesn't matter if I get the tour edition /100 or the standard edition /900. Plus it drove me crazy looking at my shelf and seeing a 6 inch wide group of variants of the exact same LP. Was as much a waste of space as it was a waste of money.

Same here if it's available then by all means but no way am I going to sit around all day like that I feel so pathetic that i used to continually do that. I let the collector aspect have influence but quickly came to my senses when I started flipping my rare /xxx copy to afford more records.

and in retrospect of this thread I realize i have about 400+ records, a fare size but not as bad as some on here.

I guess it's just when you start thumbing through them as opposed to seeing them everyday and not thinking holy shit i have 400+ records.

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It's easy to get this feeling, and honestly, these days, I skip over a TON of stuff and I've gotten to the point where I don't really regret it. I have such a huge collection, that I have a ton of stuff laying around I've barely given more than a few listens to, so it's easy for me to not be bummed out.

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I'm pretty happy I never get the feeling of being overwhelmed with my semi absurd amount of records, tapes and CDs. I've been actively buying since childhood and I rarely get rid of anything. My only concern at the moment is the fact that I only have a one bedroom apartment and am really running low on space (I'm thankful for my walk in closet). I do have a stash of stuff I've picked up specifically for doing trades so I need to get that list on here soon.

I see that some people say "what's the point, I'm gonna die anyway" and I think that's kind of a dumb way to look at things. Music is one of the things I enjoy most in life so I'll enjoy the hell out of it while I'm here.

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but if you know it's a shitty way to use it, that doesn't make you ignorant, just an asshole.

Anyone else remember a time [circa 90's] when the word gay could be used without pitchforks being raised? That re-run caught my attention about a week ago. I think it says a lot about us. Over the last 20 years or so... has everyone become more self-aware and respectful, in an attempt to make everyone feel equal? Or has the media become so politically correct in hopes of avoiding the faintest twitch of - you know - butthurt? I'm not posting to start a debate or fuel any flames. Just suggesting an idea; can you imagine the backlash a "family" comedy like News Radio would receive for that script in 2012? I find it interesting.

I've completely derailed this topic. And yet I strangely don't seem to care all that much.

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i think there was just enough propaganda over the last decade to make enough people realize its probably in our best interest if we stop calling EVERYTHING gay. i never really made an overly conscious effort to remove it from my casual speech, but its still gone.

and when i say propaganda, im pretty much referring to that one commercial where that jock is screeeaaaming FAGGOT at you.

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i think there was just enough propaganda over the last decade to make enough people realize its probably in our best interest if we stop calling EVERYTHING gay. i never really made an overly conscious effort to remove it from my casual speech, but its still gone.

and when i say propaganda, im pretty much referring to that one commercial where that jock is screeeaaaming FAGGOT at you.

I've yet to see this commercial. But from your description, I don't think I'd care to.

Much like you, I think I just outgrew the term. Not only is it "politically incorrect" to refer to something as "gay" or "retarded", but I personally think it sounds childish. There are so many more appropriate words that can be used in their exchange. Just my opinion. The English language is vast, and it saddens me to hear the same derogative vocabulary time and time again. On the other side of the token, I find a peculiar mix of fascination and annoyance with anyone who gets up in arms over the technical use of the word. I have gay friends who've used the word "gay" as slang. There are contexts when gay doesn't necessarily mean "homosexual". That may not be "right", but it is what it is. I don't personally support it, but I also don't jump down the throat of anyone who uses it. A subconscious eye-roll is the extent of it.

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Me and my friends will usually call each other faggot purely because we had this one friend who as a defense whenever he got super heated he'd say something comical. Like yeah well let that faggot try that again & i'll smash my skateboard trucks through his teeth.

and you know in reality he'd never come close to doing something like that.

That and to me also some men use & take that as the ultimate insult to their existence/ego is beyond moronic I find it hilarious if someone were to call me that. Grown men mind you in all seriousness I thought calling people a fag or gay with the intention of real insult ended in 4-5'th grade.

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That and to me also some men use & take that as the ultimate insult to their existence/ego is beyond moronic I find it hilarious if someone were to call me that. Grown men mind you in all seriousness I thought calling people a fag or gay with the intention of real insult ended in 4-5'th grade.

reminds me of a moment of road rage. laid on my horn because the dude in front of me was doing at least 10 under the limit in the fast lane. after i blew passed him, i look up to see him pulled up next to me.. talking shit. obviously on the highway, very little was understood, but he narrowly avoided an accident and called me a faggot. at that point i just laughed and moved along.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Omnitone UK Ltd

Hey all, fresh meat in the forum. I've been busy building my website and now am ready to share it with the world and get involved in some of the community chat that's going on at vinyl collective. I appreciate myself the "not-on-tap" music, when I find a record in my collection that's been hidden and not heard for years and then suddenly that euphoric moment when it starts playing. It's like breathing life into something that was held in suspended animation!


Anyway, I hope to add more in the coming days/weeks to the forums and get involved :)




I agree, the vastness of good music is indeed overwhelming sometimes. Even within my little ska/reggae niche, I can think of at least 10 or so fantastic albums that have been released in that genre this year alone, and even more to come.

I think this is kind of a pescimistic way of viewing it. I just feel really lucky that I'm alive now where we can have all this great music not only recorded, but available to us almost instantly. Just imagine living in the 19th century and the closest thing you get to recorded music is notes on a sheet of paper. Even in the early days of recorded music, up until the invention of jazz and rock and roll, you really only a handful of genres available. And that's even if you could afford a device to play records on. Now, not only do we have recorded music readily available to us, but we have probably over 50+ genres to choose from all at a relatively affordable price.

Overall, I think what I'm saying is that I just feel so lucky that I live in such a golden age of recorded music.

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reminds me of a moment of road rage. laid on my horn because the dude in front of me was doing at least 10 under the limit in the fast lane. after i blew passed him, i look up to see him pulled up next to me.. talking shit. obviously on the highway, very little was understood, but he narrowly avoided an accident and called me a faggot. at that point i just laughed and moved along.

I had a "No on prop 8" (In CA it meant you were for Gay Marriage) sticker taped to my car during and I had no less than 5 people ask me to roll my window down and then call me a faggot. I hate orange county. 

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