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I am currently experiencing what I believe is the worst pain I've felt in my life time.......


from an "ear infection".  I woke up this morning after 3 hours of sleep ( and I had taken nyquil ) writhing in pain, and nothing I've done has made it better.  I went to the hospital and after 3 something hours, was seen for less than 5 minutes.  He looked into my ear and said it was "a little red" and gave me some antibiotics and drops that are supposed to stop the pain. 


The drops don't help, and the antibiotic if anything hasn't been helping yet.  My pain meds aka tylenol which is all I have on hand, doesn't help either.  I've tried almost every online remedy - garlic oil drops, hot washcloth, steamed shower, blow dryer, vibrator behind ear, and nothing will take the pain away.


Does anyone have any suggestions?


and since I'm not just looking for help, we can make this into a fun thread..



what was your worst pain experience?


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astute observers on the board may remember when I posted about my ear infection, freaked out that the damage might have been permanent. I can't say much else other than you have my sympathy, because the day it happened to me I had kind of noticed my ear bothering me a bit at 4 and by 7 was unable to hear and in so much pain I had to leave work.


I'm not big on medications, but when I got home I basically took every painkiller, nighttime cold medicine, and sleep aid i could get my hands on to conk myself out rather than be awake and deal with it. Awful.

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Sorry to hear about the ear I hope you figure it out but I gotta be the kidney stone guy in this thread. My senior year in high school I was playing varsity basketball and started getting extremely bad back aches after games and practices and come to find out I had kidney stones. After initially finding out the problem I went on to having 9 kidney stone occurrences in a matter of 2 years! It was awful and the worst pain I've ever felt. Just last August I had a work accident and got pinned between a trailer and a 4 inch thick metal pipe that was being used as a gate and I was in the hospital for a week and a half with a lacerated spleen. That was pretty painful too!

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Ear infections suuuuccckk! When I had a bad one I was under the impression that dying was the best option. It's going to be fucking insane for a couple days. I hate to say it, but your only options are to get fucked up on something, sleep, or man up like a Marine or sorcerer or something.

I tried soaking out the moisture with a candle wick and injecting smoke into my ear with a funneled burning newspaper. Only thing that eventually worked once the swelling subsided was ear drops but it took days my friend. DAYS.

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One of the worst pains I've had was a tooth infection in one of my front teeth. It started hurting on a Wednesday, and thought I'd ride it out. By Friday the pain became excruciating but I couldn't see the dentist until Monday. The best way I can describe it was like someone had my tooth and gums in between a pair of pliers and was slowly applying more and more pressure throughout the weekend. By Monday I wanted to rip the tooth out myself as an alternative to the pain.

So I had the root canal. The dentist ended up draining a Dixie cup's worth of puss out of my tooth/gums, and said he had never seen that much before. One of the worst weekends of my life.

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in the span of about 12 years i've had:

a kidney infection that caused me a 104 degree fever and seizures.

kidney stones that at the time i thought were UTIs.


ear infection.

infection from an impacted wisdom tooth.

pain that would make me wake up crying from whatever was going on (fluid building up in my ear/throat canal?) after a tonsillectomy and taking vicodin didn't make it go away.


i'd say pain-wise:

tonsillectomy>kidney infection>childbirth>kidney stones>wisdom tooth infection>ear infection (which was mostly discomfort and not really pain, that i can remember...)

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I've had really bad ear infections my whole life, and unfortunately there isn't much else you can do for the pain. One time my ear drum only half ruptured and filled with pus and blood, I had to go to the emergency room and have it vacuumed out. That hurt so much more than shattering my ankle.

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I've never had an ear infection, but I imagine you could probably experience a lot worse if you're still posting. 


I tore all my ligaments in my left ankle while skating as a teenager. My leg had to be parallel to the ground for a few weeks. The gravity yanks at it and its a sting from hell. I had to pee sitting down with my legged propped up. Oh, I did it within the first 2 hours of a family Disney vacation. So, Disney sucked.

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I had a nasty jaw injury from soccer while in College. Before my insurance would approve surgery they made sure it was at its worst. So for 3 weeks the meniscus in my left tmj area would dislocate and relocate in upwards of 3 times a day. Each time it instantly put me to tears until one day it didn't go back in and the jaw locked shut. The day I showed up for my surgery the Center denied my claim and sent me home. My doctor was so angry he arranged for me to go to local hospital two days later to have it done. He told me that when I woke up a woman with a clipboard would come to me and to tell her that I need to declare Hardship - she'd be expecting me. They put the fix in to get me help and its one of the nicest things anyone's ever done for me. I was in so much pain. The recover stunk too but nothing was worse than those repeated dislocations.

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The drops don't help, and the antibiotic if anything hasn't been helping yet.  

You're going to have to give the antibiotic two days or so before you start feeling any relief as far as the ear infection subsiding.  Hope you feel better soon.


I think the worst pain that I've had to endure is when I get tonsillitis.  I'm prone to it due to an autoimmune disorder that I have which caused me to have my spleen removed in 2006.  On top of having a compromised immune system and having to deal with my tonsils being the size of marbles for the rest of my life due to chronic tonsillitis, I'm not allowed to have my tonsils removed because my doctors are afraid of where the infection would settle (probably my lungs) if my tonsils weren't there.  Also they said that the tonsils are a big part of one's immune system and I can't afford to have them removed on top of my spleen already being taken out.

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I've broken my arm before and my ankle before, but NOTHING was more excruciating than when I pinched my sciatic nerve in my back two summers ago doing yard work. That was pure misery.


yeah man, i've had this problem since high school, and it flares up about once a year. shit is AWFUL. and you walk like a 95 year old with a hunchback to compensate (which doesn't really help).

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i used to get ear infections on the reg when i was a kid.  they were BAD.  one time, my eardrum ruptured or partially ruptured.  there was a big pop and then lots of fluid.  it was miserable.  unfortunately, i never found anything that eased the pain.  i eventually grew out of it, but my ears ring like hell if i go to a show and dont wear earplugs.


right now i have a pesky headache from drinking beers last night.  advil.

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I had an abscess in my throat that had solidified and couldn't be drained so it had to be cut out. I had to travel in an ambulance for five hours to see a doctor who was out of town and when I got there the paperwork didn't transfer or something so they weren't allowed to give me my sweet sweet morphine. He ripped out the abscess out and I had to drive back without pain meds in the back of an ambulance for five hours. Terrible.

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a few:


fell down on icy hill face first. tooth went through upper lip.

shoved into corner of brick wall. forehead split open.

trying to break up a dog fight, dog sank teeth into my inner wrist.

slammed car door on finger in sub zero weather. spring from door went through finger.

was carving sticks as kid, tripped and sharp stick stuck just right above eye and penetrated socket.

had earring completely ripped out during a brawl. earlobe was split in half.

dentist was tightening braces. cracked molar.


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a few:


fell down on icy hill face first. tooth went through upper lip.

shoved into corner of brick wall. forehead split open.

trying to break up a dog fight, dog sank teeth into my inner wrist.

slammed car door on finger in sub zero weather. spring from door went through finger.

was carving sticks as kid, tripped and sharp stick stuck just right above eye and penetrated socket.

had earring completely ripped out during a brawl. earlobe was split in half.

dentist was tightening braces. cracked molar.





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I burnt my arm while travelling Australia a couple of years ago. I was dumb enough to open the radiator cap of the car when the engine was still hot. This happened in the middle of nowhere, and couldn't see a doctor until the next day. That was not a pleasant night. I could post a picture of my, then, fucked up arm if anyone's interested. Surprisingly, it healed quite nice.

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