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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2014 in all areas

  1. People of earth: stop using heroin.
    11 points
  2. Nirvana - All of it. I just can't get into it
    5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Why's this guy getting downvoted? Imma make that neutral for you dog. Good luck on the boards!
    4 points
  5. I'll believe it when someone with more than 20 posts gets their records in
    4 points
  6. Hey VC, This site has done a lot for me. Given me info on pre-orders, given me info on artists to check out, given me friends for my Simpsons Tapped Out game....heh. I wanted to give back, and what better way than holding a Super Bowl Squares giveaway. If you aren't familiar with Squares, you get a square. There are 100 slots available and if you are interested in participating, then respond below. You will be given 2 Random Squares. So that means we need 50 people to enter. After everyone has entered, then numbers are drawn and then placed in the grey slots below. So for instance, if you have the Broncos 1 and Seahawks 0, then you would "win" if the score were Denver 21, Seattle 10. Prizes will be from my personal collection and awarded in the following manner: SEALED LP for the person who has the correct score after the 1st quarter SEALED LP for the person who has the correct score at Halftime SEALED LP for the person who has the correct score after the 3rd quarter SEALED LP for the person who has the correct Final Score BONUS: If someone is lucky enough to win multiple quarters, then they will get bonus items. (A list will be provided after the Super Bowl to the winners, to choose from) So just respond below and you'll be given a square. We need 50 people for this to work, I am sure we can do this!! Note: I'll be at a Super Bowl party on Sunday, so I won't be able to update this real-time until later that night. But I will have an updated bracket that you can print out and take with you to see how you do! Good luck! ENTRIES (Bracket 1--CLOSED): 1. Knifeparty 2. Skadaddy 3. Wasteland76 4. BossDJ26 5. Dapeebs 6. Youinreverse 7. Shenanigans 8. marc32137 9. Steviex2Shoes 10. Victimofadriveby 11. Crashfistfight 12. Trevorxramage 13. bgdesign 14. CVHX 15. Converge88 16. Yocaseycasey 17. Gutzonboglum 18. Ratbrain 19. Wildflange 20 ScottHeisel 21. Justin_Cole 22. Amnorth 23. NJpunkmusic 24. onlettingjoe 25. TheWindBlower 26. Burntwolf 27. Human Ton and Handy 28. Route36west1 29. Rynflnnry 30. Kess 31. Tvham 32. KSUWdboots 33. SSPECK 34. Whoshotthefrog 35. Oasisish 36. Nardes 37. King of the Gutters 38. Zuck 39. Dorfpimp 40. Bigseth 41. Ptothedo 42. RhoBearToe 43. Lovelesswrists 44. Lexicondevil 45. Aflycon 46. Crabwalker 47. ReffersonPowell 48. TheJesseB 49. Ian Rees 50. MaloneKW Link to spreadsheet with the numbers is here: http://www.filedropper.com/vcfbsquares Entries (Bracket 2--OPEN): 1. The Saint 2. Kramer73 3. LBCPunk 4. TheDannyChang 5. EyeWin8 6. Sapst16 7. Jetsfan4ever80 8. Brock309 9. JDTG 10. ChardeeMacDennis 11. SergeantScruffy 12. King Timberdodge 13. Chobble 14. Daftyler 15. Kidamnesiac 16. Montauk_123 17. hezagenius 18. Stxreeleyes 19. JerseyDave77 20. Lightningspike 21. Zacooper 22. Duff 23. Dutchflowers 24. Chasingbreakers 25. Regularstormy 26. ChriswithanF 27. Mostradamus 28. Dreamover 29. RyBread 30. Elnombre91 31. Carrowsmith89 32. TheFavoritePlay 33. Kylet 34. Seangj 35. Skidroje 36. AndrewB 37. castaway 38. tokimedo 39. Fredrico0012 40. Satansaurus 41. dandw12786 42. jos464 43. jimthehuman 44. VeronicaMars 45. Eskimonow27 46. AndyLikesCats 47. TellAllYourFriends 48. CoffeeXZombie 49. AbovetheEarth 50. Skinnywolf We had 60 people want in for bracket 2, so the following people had to be cut: Pastnpending--1 post Elvismcvegas--1 post HangtheDJ--1 post RockNSteady--1 post Patrick Barcuto--7 posts Saltedpork87--7 posts mushmouthbooze--12 posts Littlefusdawg--15 posts IRodeTenSpeed--20 posts Oldheadpunk--28 posts In the event that someone had fewer posts (e.g. Eskimonow27), then feedback rating was used as a tiebreaker. This may not be the most ideal situation, but this way, people who are actively involved in VC can have a chance to win. Here is the 2nd bracket (it is also on page 8):
    3 points
  7. I don't think so. I think if I had 90,000 posts on anything I would quit the internet
    3 points
  8. I found these in the backroom of my store one day.
    3 points
  9. I think I made out pretty well at the show last night. FYI, Great Big Pile of Leaves was only selling their 2nd LP for $15. You could get it in Oxblood, Cyan, or Clear Beer (the new pressing) IIOI was selling the daytrotter split for $20 (said it had to be bumped up in price because they were running low) and then other LPs (Koji, Proper, and Intersections) for $15 each. Got AGBPOL signed by the full band on the super sturdy cardboard inner sleeve and got the split signed by Evan, on his side (He even gave himself an upside down cross on his forehead lmao)
    3 points
  10. Now you just need a copy of Deja Entendu to play on it
    3 points
  11. I made it into some bowls!
    2 points
  12. Princess Logan


    I mean, though I think on Tianna/Nicky it was kinda silly. But he's just pushing safe sex, I don't think that's a bad thing... (Lara had the right idea.)
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. someone said they hated me because i was ugly, straight edge and white. good message.
    2 points
  15. crime

    NFL Discussion

    As a non-Seahawks fan the 12th man thing is just annoying. This is a very widely shared feeling.
    2 points
  16. Yeah man, haven't you heard? - high-school is pretty rough these days.
    2 points
  17. that's how many followers you have? wait, that's how many POSTS YOU'VE MADE? completely serious question: do you have a life?
    2 points
  18. Followers from that are actually viruses haha
    2 points
  19. Fresh Out the oven :3:
    2 points
  20. Sweet dreams are made of cheese
    2 points
  21. I'm breaking up with you, Jimmy. What you just said is unforgivable.
    2 points
  22. Go watch Synecdoche, New York if you've never seen it. Fantastic movie and he's amazing in it RIP
    2 points
  23. None of these have shipped yet, it's just been packaged. We're gonna ship them in order to get as many as possible to arrive before/on the street date. Because of different shipping options and taking into account distance, this is impossible to actually do, but we're gonna do our best.
    2 points
  24. http://www.poopsenders.com With great power comes great responsibility...
    2 points
  25. Your comment inspired me to make some OC on my phone for future use:
    2 points
  26. and off to the bars i go
    2 points
  27. Regular form, and make sure you do the DJ scratch thing to it.
    2 points
  28. I know copies of this are getting harder to come by but for anyone on the fence about this I will say that I recommend this boot. I've listened to a copy of the original before and I've got to say that this sounds better all throughout. Only issues with my copy are some persistent surface pops on the A side (only noticeable during the interludes) and the sound at the end of side D seemed a bit squashed. Side C had some scuffs from shipping but it actually seemed to be the most quiet side. The source is definitely digital but regardless whoever handled this put some TLC into it all. That being said, the sound doesn't seem as dynamic as I'd like it to be but it's certainly satisfactory. Until we get a proper reissue that isn't on a weird picture disc or MOV/MoFi presses this (a man can dream!) this is the best we've got. My 2 or 3 cents.
    2 points
  29. You just blasted his address on the boards! Thank you thank you thank you
    2 points
  30. Wait for Justin Biebers albums to come out on Vinyl
    2 points
  31. why would you buy it in the first place
    2 points
  32. IanRees

    NHL Discussion

    hahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhajahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahaWanna fight? Yeah, I'm drunk.
    2 points
  33. One does not announce the gif placement. One simply places gif.
    2 points
  34. I'm so confused. Is this something to be proud of?
    1 point
  35. JOE, BILL DID YOU SEE THAT EXPLOSION!?!?! One of my favorite actors since I saw Twister when I was eight...my friend Chris and I used to fight over who would get to say Dusty's lines while we watched the movie... He never ceased to amaze me as an actor. Capote and The Master are just unbelievable...
    1 point
  36. Bitch please. Don't bring a gun to a wand fight.
    1 point
  37. My Pavement collection by album era Pre-Matador -Slay Tracks (1933-1969) 7" EP -Demolition Plot J-7 7" EP -Perfect Sound Forever 10" EP -Comp w/ My Radio 7" -Summer Babe 7" EP Missing: Split flexi 7" w/ Fluff Slanted & Enchanted - Slanted & Enchanted LP - Trigger Cut Plus Two 7" - Watery, Domestic 12" EP Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain LP - Haunt You Down b/w Jam Kids 7" - Gold Soundz 7" - Cut Your Hair 7" - Range Life 7" Forgot to put the Medusa Split 7" in there but I have it. Wowee Zowee - Wowee Zowee 2xLP - Pacific Trim 7" EP - Father to a Sister of Thought 7" - Rattled By La Rush 7" Missing: Man or Astro-Man? School House Rocks split 7" Brighten the Corners - Brighten the Corners LP - Stereo 7" - Shady Lane 7" Terror Twilight - Terror Twilight LP - Spit on a Stranger 7" - Major Leagues 2x7" Missing: Carrot Rope 7" Post break-up - Live Europaturnén MCMXCVII #1 LP - Quarantine the Past RSD Version 2xLP - Black Out b/w Extradition 7" Missing: Live Europaturnén MCMXCVII #2, Quarantine the Past regular version Most of the stuff I'm missing is easy to find, I've just been procrastinating.
    1 point
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-04:00

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